A printable optical time-temperature integrator based on shape memory in a chiral nematic polymer network

D.J.D. Davies, A.R. Vaccaro, S. Morris, N. Herzer, A.P.H.J. Schenning, C.W.M. Bastiaansen

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An optical and irreversible temperature sensor (e.g., a time-temperature integrator) is reported based on a mechanically embossed chiral-nematic polymer network. The polymer consists of a chemical and a physical (hydrogen-bonded) network and has a reflection band in the visible wavelength range. The sensors are produced by mechanical embossing at elevated temperatures. A relative large compressive deformation (up to 10%) is obtained inducing a shift to shorter wavelength of the reflection band (>30 nm). After embossing, a temperature sensor is obtained that exhibits an irreversible optical response. A permanent color shift to longer wavelengths (red) is observed upon heating of the polymer material to temperatures above the glass transition temperature. It is illustrated that the observed permanent color shift is related to shape memory in the polymer material. The films can be printed on a foil, thus showing that these sensors are potentially interesting as time-temperature integrators for applications in food and pharmaceutical products.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2723-2727
JournalAdvanced Functional Materials
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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