A partition of unity based model for hydraulic fracturing

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic

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In this contribution we present a partition of unity based model for the simulation of hydraulic fracturing processes. Bulk poroelasticity is based on the Biot theory. The pressure in the fracture is included as an additional degree of freedom. A Fracture can grow in arbitrary directions by using the Camacho Ortiz fracture criterion with a cohesive zone formulation. The performance of the numerical model is addressed by considering fracture propagation from a 2D borehole. The initial stress field is validated with Kirsch's analytical solution. The results from the numerical model indicate that preferred direction of a hydraulic fracture is in the direction of the highest confining stress. In future works this model will include the nucleation of fractures and can be applied to more complex hydraulic fracturing situations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2014, Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands, 16-19 June 2014
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Eventconference; 27th EAGE conference Amsterdam; 2014-06-16; 2014-06-19 -
Duration: 16 Jun 201419 Jun 2014


Conferenceconference; 27th EAGE conference Amsterdam; 2014-06-16; 2014-06-19
Other27th EAGE conference Amsterdam


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