A multiscale thermomechanical model for cubic to tetragonal martensitic phase transformations

S.R. Turteltaub, A.S.J. Suiker

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We develop a multiscale thermomechanical model to analyze martensitic phase transformations from a cubic crystalline lattice to a tetragonal crystalline lattice. The model is intended for simulating the thermomechanical response of single-crystal grains of austenite. Based on the geometrically nonlinear theory of martensitic transformations, we incorporate microstructural effects from several subgrain length scales. The effective stiffness tensor at the grain level is obtained through an averaging scheme, and preserves crystallographic information from the lattice scale as well as the influence of volumetric changes due to the transformation. The model further incorporates a transformation criterion that includes a surface energy term, which takes into account the creation of interfaces between martensite and austenite. These effects, which are often neglected in martensitic transformation models, thus appear explicitly in the expression of the transformation driving force that controls the onset and evolution of the transformation. In the derivation of the transformation driving force, we clarify the relations between different combinations of thermodynamic potentials and state variables. The predictions of the model are illustrated by analyzing the response of a phase-changing material subjected to various types of deformations. Although the model is developed for cubic to tetragonal transformations, it can be adapted to simulate martensitic transformations for other crystalline structures. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4509-4545
Number of pages37
JournalInternational Journal of Solids and Structures
Issue number14-15
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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