A multi-scale approach to bridge microscale damage and macroscale failure : a nested computational homogenization-localization framework

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This paper presents a multi-scale modelling approach for bridging the microscale damage and macroscale failure. The proposed scheme evolves from a classical computational homogenization scheme (FE2) towards a discontinuity enriched framework. The classical homogenization approaches typically rely on the separation of scales principle, which is violated as soon as a strain localization band develops within a microstructural volume element (MVE). The newly developed scheme resolves this limitation by considering the bifurcation of the microscale deformation into a continuum ‘bulk’ part and a localization related part. The most distinct feature of the proposed framework is that both, the local macroscale traction-opening response of the cohesive crack and the stress-strain response of the surrounding ‘bulk’, are obtained from a single MVE analysis. The discontinuity enriched macroscale description is formulated to accommodate for the micro-macro coupling. The macroscale boundary value problem and the corresponding implementation are detailed for the use within the embedded discontinuities approach. The presented multi-scale method is demonstrated on a numerical example of a cohesive crack propagation in a macroscopic double notch specimen, with underlying voided microstructure.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)157-178
JournalInternational Journal of Fracture
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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