A global, multi-scale simulation of laminar fluid mixing : the extended mapping method

O.S. Galaktionov, P.D. Anderson, G.W.M. Peters, C.L. Tucker III

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We present a global, multi-scale model of fluid mixing in laminar flows, which describes the evolution of the spatial distribution of themicrostructure in the mixture, for two fluids of identical viscosity with no interfacial tension. The flow domain is divided into cells, andlarge-scale variations in composition are tracked by following the cell-average concentrations of one fluid, using the mapping method of Kruijt,Galaktionov, Anderson, Peters, and Meijer (1999). Composition fluctuations smaller than the cell size are represented by cell values of the areatensor (Wetzel and Tucker, 1999a), which quantifies the size, shape, and orientation of the microstructure within each cell. The method isvalidated by comparison to an explicit interface tracking calculation. We show examples for two-dimensional, time-periodic f! lows in alid-driven rectangular cavity. The spatial distribution of interfacial area is found to be highly non-uniform, with cell-to-cell differences of threeorders of magnitude or more. If the flow is globally chaotic then the microstructural pattern becomes self similar, and interfacial area increasesexponentially with time. The extended mapping method exhibits numerical diffusion, which affects the quantitative results. This can beminimized by using the largest possible mapping steps. The present calculations are two-dimensional, but the method can readily be applied inthree-dimensional problems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)497-523
JournalInternational Journal of Multiphase Flow
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2002


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