A 60GHz phase shifter integrated with LNA and PA in 65 nm CMOS for phased array systems

Yikun Yu, P.G.M. Baltus, A.J.M. Graauw, de, E. Heijden, van der, C.S. Vaucher, A.H.M. Roermund, van

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This paper presents the design of a 60 GHz phase shifter integrated with a low-noise amplifier (LNA) and power amplifier (PA) in a 65 nm CMOS technology for phased array systems. The 4-bit digitally controlled RF phase shifter is based on programmable weighted combinations of I/Q paths using digitally controlled variable gain amplifiers (VGAs). With the combination of an LNA, a phase shifter and part of a combiner, each receiver path achieves 7.2 dB noise figure, a 360° phase shift range in steps of approximately 22.5°, an average insertion gain of 12 dB at 61 GHz, a 3 dB-bandwidth of 5.5 GHz and dissipates 78 mW. Consisting of a phase shifter and a PA, one transmitter path achieves a maximum output power of higher than +8.3 dBm, a 360° phase shift range in 22.5° steps, an average insertion gain of 7.7 dB at 62 GHz, a 3 dB-bandwidth of 6.5 GHz and dissipates 168 mW.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1697-1709
JournalIEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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