A 32–40 GHz 7-bit Bi-Directional Phase Shifter With 0.36 dB/1.6 ∘ RMS Magnitude/Phase Errors for Phased Array Systems

Yongjie Li, Zongming Duan (Corresponding author), Yun Fang, Xiao Li, Biao Deng, Yuefei Dai, Liguo Sun, Hao Gao (Corresponding author)

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This paper presents a digitally programmable bi-directional 7-bit passive phase shifter in a 65 nm CMOS technology. The core of this passive vector-synthesized phase shifter is a hybrid quadrature generator (HQG), an interstage matching network, and a passive vector modulator (PVM). This work proposes a high coupling-factor-based quadrature generator design methodology and demonstrates it with a compact vertical transformer. The interstage matching network between HQG and PVM is proposed to release the bandwidth bottleneck and achieve a 34% fractional frequency bandwidth. Two 6-bit X-type attenuators in the I and Q path form a high-resolution 12-bit controlling word. In 32-40 GHz, this 7-bit 360 ∘ phase shifter achieves a measured 2.8 ∘ step with 0.45-1.6 ∘ RMS phase error and 0.2-0.36 dB RMS magnitude error. With the broadband technique, its 3-dB bandwidth reaches 30.2-42.7 GHz with a 2.8 ∘ RMS phase error. Its in-band 1-dB compression point is 10.2 dBm. With the proposed compact HQG and PVM, this mm-wave passive phase shifter only occupies 220×630 μ m 2 and has no power consumption.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4000-4013
Number of pages14
JournalIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022


  • Attenuators
  • Bandwidth
  • Bidirectional control
  • Couplings
  • Generators
  • Linearity
  • Passive phase shifter
  • Radio frequency
  • matching network
  • mm-Wave
  • passive vector modulator
  • quadrature generator


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