9.6Tb/s CP-QPSK transmission over 6500 km of NZ-DSF with commercial hybrid amplifiers

D. Rafique, T. Rahman, A. Napoli, R. Palmer, J. Slovak, E. Man, de, S. Fedderwitz, M. Kuschnerov, U. Feiste, B. Spinnler, B. Sommerkorn-Krombholz, M. Bohn

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We experimentally demonstrate, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, an ultralong-haul dense wavelength division multiplexed transmission of 96 ,, \times ,, 100 Gb/s coherent polarization multiplexed quadrature phase-shifted keying transponders over ITU-T G.655 nonzero dispersion-shifted large effective area fibers (NZ-DSF) with an effective core area of 72 \mu text{m}^{2} , employing both commercial erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA) and hybrid EDFA + Raman amplification systems. Using the state-of-the-art digital pulse shaping and digital preemphasis algorithms, we report \sim 1.5 dB back-to-back optical signal-to-noise ratio penalty at pre forward error correction (FEC) bit error rate (BER) threshold ( 3.8\times 10^{-2} ), with respect to theoretical performance. In particular, we demonstrate \sim 6500 km transmission across the entire C-band, at pre-FEC BER of 3.8\times 10^{-2} , employing EDFA + backward Raman amplification—where the central channel (1552.2nm) had sufficient margin to enable transmission of up to \sim 8000 km. Furthermore, we report that hybrid amplification enables up to \sim 60 % improvement in maximum transmission reach, compared to EDFA based links. To the best of our knowledge, a record capacity-distance product of \sim 62.4~text\rm {Pb}/text\rm {s}\cdot text\rm {km- is achieved for NZ-DSF—an 11-fold increase, compared with the previous literature.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1911-1914
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Photonics Technology Letters
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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