3D electrochemical device

N.A.M. Verhaegh (Inventor), J.H. Klootwijk (Inventor), W.F.A. Besling (Inventor), R.A.H. Niessen (Inventor), Y. Lamy (Inventor), F. Roozeboom (Inventor), P.H.L. Notten (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent publication

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The present invention relates to a modified rechargeable Li- ion solid- state battery design that is preferably integrated in 3D silicon. The use of photolithography in the manufacture of solid state batteries, such as lithium cells is known, as is the use of various etching techniques such as chemical, ion beam, plasma and sputter etching in the manufacture of such batteries. In particular the use of PVD, CVD and plasma CVD deposition processes and sputter etching to reduce vertical direction stresses during expansion and contraction during charge and discharge is disclosed. Lithium all- so lid- state batteries are based upon the reversible exchange of lithium ions between two electrodes (anode and cathode). These electrodes are separated by a solid-state electrolyte, that allows for lithium ion diffusion-migration and that prevents electron transport.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2010043991
Publication statusPublished - 22 Apr 2010


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