Zero Emission Transport

Project: Third tier

Project Details


The zero emission laboratory is an initiative by the TU/e, DAF, TNO, SHELL and PNB to study ICE solutions for a sustainable transport, specifically for Heavy-Duty and Marine applications. 
Our mission is to work towards the development of 
which stands for ICE solutions with zero (0) impact on global emissions (GHG) and zero (0) impact on local emissions (NOx/Soot).
Primarily we work from a global perspective but we do realize that we need to study solutions for our partners, eventual new members and as such have to be aware of national- and EU-directives and regulations. Consequently we have formulated two research lines with respect to the GHG impact
- T(ank)-t(o)-W(heel) approaches (e.g. H2 fuels)- W(ell)-t(o)-W(heel) approaches (e.g. advanced bio-fuels) 
but both within the realm of ultra-clean combustion concepts to assure zero impact on the local environment.
The laboratory has a well-established tool set to investigate solutions varying from fully intrumented HD single-cylinder set-ups with various injections systems (FPI, DI) and classical emission meausurment systems (MEXA FTX-one, EEPS, AVL Smoke meter), to optical set-ups like constant volume chambers and HD optical engine. Several advanced diagnostics (LIF, Hi-speed cameras, fast LED's) are available and we have a long standing experience using these as is also apparent from our contributions in the engine combustion network (  Apart from these experimental techniques we strongly believe in the added value of detailed numerical analysis. In fact we developed the well-known efficient combustion modelling technique, FGM, for the use in compression ignition engines bot in the LES as well s the RANS framework. 

Short titleZero Emission Lab
Effective start/end date1/05/1931/08/24