NWA.138920.251 ALIGN4energy Aligning citizens and systems - Combining digital citizen engagement and personalised behavioural interventions to enable system-optimal clean energy investments at scale

Project: Second tier

Project Details


Due to the significant information, coordination, and transaction costs that individuals and citizen collectives face, the energy transition in residential structures takes a very long time. At the same time, policymakers are expected to coordinate a complicated process that determines the overall effectiveness of the new energy system and the cost of decarbonization. ALIGN4energy aims to address both challenges through eight work packages. It does so by:

1) Mapping citizens’ preferences and investment barriers in a transdisciplinary manner;
2) Modeling how certain investments will affect the efficiency of the entire energy system;
3) Creating an adaptive digital decision-support system (the SAMEN-platform) for citizens and policymakers that optimizes investments at the individual and energy system levels while also providing users with customized information and planning;
4) Co-developing and systematically field- testing participation mechanisms, citizen engagement tactics, and behavioral interventions to encourage investments.
Short titleALIGN4energy
Effective start/end date1/11/2231/10/26

Collaborative partners

  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (lead)
  • TU Delft (Project partner)
  • Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam (Project partner)
  • CWI (Centrum v. Wiskunde & Informatica) (Project partner)
  • TNO (Project partner)
  • Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS) (Project partner)
  • Planbureau voor de leefomgeving (Project partner)


  • Energy Transition
  • Living lab
  • Data-driven


  • TKI-Energy


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