FIeldlab Quantum Cryptography Solutions for Safe Society

Project: Second tier

Project Details


In this project, an interdisciplinary consortium will co-create a roadmap and co-design a fieldlab with societal stakeholders, in which knowledge, methods, and technology will be developed to evaluate and eventually work towards standards and certification methods for these new advanced quantum cryptographic systems. As such, relevant groups of external stakeholders will be identified and involved in the process, ensuring that these systems will be developed whilst taking into account stakeholder criteria and international standards. The fieldlab will therefore also perform functions of expertise center, dialogue platform, and will perform roadmapping and connect to international standardization.
The fieldlab will contribute to the safety and resilience of the Dutch society and at the same time strengthen the international competitiveness of the entire Dutch supply- and knowledge chain.

Key findings

Effective start/end date1/05/231/05/28

Collaborative partners


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