IEEE Consumer Electronics Society 2003 Chester Sall Award for the First Place Transactions paper Award

  • Bril, Reinder J. (Recipient), Hentschel, Christian (Recipient) & Braspenning, R.A.C. (Recipient)

Prize: OtherCareer, activity or publication related prizes (lifetime, best paper, poster etc.)Scientific


IEEE Consumer Electronics Society 2003 Chester Sall Award for the First Place Transactions paper Award for the paper co-authored with Christian Hentschel, Yingwei Chen, Ralph Braspenning and Tse-Hua Lan entitled "Video Quality-of-Service for Consumer terminals - A Novel System for Programmable Components", published in the IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, November 2003, Volume 49, pp. 1367 - 1377.
Degree of recognitionInternational
