Best Ph.D. Thesis Award

  • Ataol, Özlemnur (Recipient)

Prize: OtherCareer, activity or publication related prizes (lifetime, best paper, poster etc.)Scientific


Marmara Urban Forum (MARUF) is a biennial international urban forum organized with the motto of “Cities Developing Solutions” by Marmara Municipalities Union (MMU), which is a local government association in the Marmara Region of Turkey with over 190 members. MARUF strives not only to discuss the challenges that cities face but also to seek solutions to them and multiply good practices at a global scale. MARUF21was held online on 1-3 October 2021 on the theme of “Cities Developing Solutions: Re-Think, Co-Act” by recognizing the necessity of reconsidering established urban policies and solutions in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a part of MARUF, PhD Showcase aims to give PhD candidates a ground for verbally presenting their PhD projects within less than three minutes.
Degree of recognitionNational
Granting OrganisationsMarmara Municipalities Union

Awarded at event

Event titleMarmara Urban Forum
LocationMarmara Region, Istanbul, TurkeyShow on map
Period1 Oct 2021 → 3 Oct 2021


  • children
  • children’s participation
  • urban planning
  • participatory urban planning
