6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Pelagia Bonaki with the persons below:
Evangelos Palidis
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Process and Product Design - Postgraduate Design Engineer
Person: TOIO : EngPD-trainee
Tina Gooranmohit
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Process and Product Design - Postgraduate Design Engineer
Person: TOIO : EngPD-trainee
Chrysi Choustoulaki
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Process and Product Design - Postgraduate Design Engineer
Person: TOIO : EngPD-trainee
Gavrilo Mihajlović
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Process and Product Design - Postgraduate Design Engineer
Person: TOIO : EngPD-trainee
Igor Brandao Carvalho
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Process and Product Design - Postgraduate Design Engineer
Person: TOIO : EngPD-trainee
Ivona Đorđević
- Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Process and Product Design - Postgraduate Design Engineer
Person: TOIO : EngPD-trainee