6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Matias Duran Matute with the persons below:
Herman J.H. Clercx
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Fluids and Flows - Full Professor
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Transport in Turbulent Flows (Clercx)
- EIRES Research - Full Professor
Person: HGL : Professor
Jeancarlo Fajardo Urbina
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Transport in Environmental Flows (Duran Matute)
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Transport in Turbulent Flows (Clercx)
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Fluids and Flows - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Twan J.S. Wilting
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Interfacial Flows (Gelderblom)
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Fluids and Flows - University Researcher
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD), OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Janne-Mieke Meijer
- ICMS Core member - Assistant Professor
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Colloidal Soft Matter
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Soft Matter and Biological Physics - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Lenin Flores Ramirez, MSc
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Transport in Environmental Flows (Duran Matute)
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Transport in Turbulent Flows (Clercx)
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Fluids and Flows - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Wouter G. Ellenbroek
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Responsive Soft Matter - Assistant Professor
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Soft Matter and Biological Physics - Assistant Professor
- ICMS Core member - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor