Personal profile

Research profile

Marloes Remijnse joined the Operations, Planning, Accounting and Control group (OPAC) at Eindhoven University and Technology (TU/e) as a PhD candidate in October 2021. Her research is focused on using robust optimisation for sustainable cold chains. More specifically, she focuses on reducing food waste in supply chains, using optimisation models. The PhD is part of the project AI planner of the future and is supervised by dr. Ahmadreza Marandi and Assist. prof. Sonja Rohmer. Her promotor is prof. dr. Tom van Woensel.

Academic background

She received her Bachelor and Master degree in Food Technology at Wageningen University & Research. During her masters, she followed the specialisation Sustainable Food Process Engineering while also taking courses from the Operations, Research & Logistics group.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 2 - Zero Hunger