Josien P.W. Pluim


  • 16804
    Citations - based on content available in repository [source: Scopus]
1995 …2025

Content available in repository

Personal profile

Research profile

Josien Pluim is professor of Medical Image Analysis at Eindhoven University of Technology, and head of the Medical Image Analysis group. In addition, she holds a part-time professorship at the University Medical Center Utrecht and is vice-dean for the Department of Biomedical Engineering at TU/e. Her research focus is on image analysis (e.g. registration, segmentation, detection, machine/deep learning), both methodology development and clinical applications. The latter in particular targeted at neurology and oncology.

Academic background

Josien Pluim studied Computer Science at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) and graduated in 1996, specializing in Scientific Computing and Imaging. The research for her master's thesis was carried out at the Image Sciences Institute of the University Medical Center Utrecht (The Netherlands), where she decided to stay for PhD research on multimodality image registration, focusing on mutual information as the registration measure. After obtaining her PhD degree in 2001, she continued as an assistant professor (and later associate professor) in the same group, shortly interrupted by a stint at the Image Processing and Analysis Group of Yale University (USA). In 2014, she was appointed full Professor of Medical Imaging at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, The Netherlands). In 2015, she was appointed part-time professor of Medical Image Analysis at the Image Sciences Institute of UMC Utrecht.

Josien Pluim co-authored more than 250 peer-reviewed scientific papers. She is or was associate editor of five journals (IEEE TMI, IEEE TBME, Medical Physics, Journal of Medical Imaging and Medical Image Analysis). She served as a member of the Executive Board of the MICCAI Society, as conference chair of SPIE Medical Imaging Image Processing 2006-2009, chair of WBIR 2006 and programme co-chair of MICCAI 2010. She is a fellow of the MICCAI Society and an IEEE Fellow.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

External positions

Executive Board MICCAI Society

1 Feb 201431 Jan 2020

professor, UMC Utrecht


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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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  • Brain Image Analysis

    Pluim, J. P. W. (Content manager), van Beek-Verschure, S. (Content manager), van Gorp, L. (Content manager), Broeders, A. E. J. A. (Content manager) & Jansen, E. (Content manager)

    Impact: Research Topic/Theme (at group level)

  • Deep Learning for Image-Guided Therapies

    Pluim, J. P. W. (Content manager), van Beek-Verschure, S. (Content manager), van Gorp, L. (Content manager), Broeders, A. E. J. A. (Content manager) & Jansen, E. (Content manager)

    Impact: Research Topic/Theme (at group level)

  • Histopathology Image Analysis

    Pluim, J. P. W. (Content manager), van Beek-Verschure, S. (Content manager), van Gorp, L. (Content manager), Broeders, A. E. J. A. (Content manager) & Jansen, E. (Content manager)

    Impact: Research Topic/Theme (at group level)

  • Image Registration

    Pluim, J. P. W. (Content manager), van Beek-Verschure, S. (Content manager), van Gorp, L. (Content manager), Broeders, A. E. J. A. (Content manager) & Jansen, E. (Content manager)

    Impact: Research Topic/Theme (at group level)

  • Quantitative cardiac magnetic resonance image analysis

    Pluim, J. P. W. (Content manager), van Beek-Verschure, S. (Content manager), Broeders, A. E. J. A. (Content manager) & Jansen, E. (Content manager)

    Impact: Research Topic/Theme (at group level)