Personal profile

Academic background

Emre Akaturk majored in Computer Engineering and then pursued a Master's degree in the same field at Bilkent University. His masters work focused on Computer Animations and development of various 3D modeling tools. Then he moved on to physics and completed his Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics at Bilkent University. During his Ph.D., he did analytical work along with numerical simulations on quantum gases but focused specifically on Quantum Monte Carlo simulations. After his Ph.D., he worked on Quantum Monte Carlo simulations and Quantum Computing, focusing on Variational Quantum Eigensolvers as a Postdoctoral Researcher in University of Southern California. Currently, he is working on development and improvement of Quantum Simulation and Computation platforms on Rydberg atom systems and development of Quantum algorithms at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).

Research profile

Emre Akaturk is working on development and improvement of Quantum Simulation and Computation platforms on Rydberg atom systems and development of Quantum algorithms.