Personal profile

Research profile

Annika Bach is an Assistant Professor in the Applied Analysis group of the Centre for Analysis, Scientific computing and Applications (CASA) at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research area is the Calculus of Variations and in particular the asymptotic analysis of multi-scale variational problems with applications in computer vision or materials science. In this framework she is working on phase-field models for free-discontinuity problems, stochastic homogenization, and on the passage from discrete to continuum problems for example in the context of dislocation models or nematic liquid crystals.

Academic background

Annika Bach obtained a MSc and a MEd in Mathematics from the University of Münster in 2015. She received her PhD from the University of Münster in 2018. After that she moved for postdoctoral research positions to the TU Munich (2018-2021) and to the Sapienza University of Rome (2021-2023), before starting as an assistant professor the TU Eindhoven in 2023.


Specialized in the Calculus of Variations and in particular the asymptotic analysis of multi-scale variational problems with applications in computer vision or materials science.