• 235
    Citations - based on content available in repository [source: Scopus]

Content available in repository

Personal profile

Academic background

I am an associated professor and chair of the Algebraic Combinatorics group in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). My research is supported by a VIDI grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). I am also an associate professor (0.1fte) at the Department of Mathematics and Data Science at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and a guest researcher at the Department of Mathematics: Analysis, Logic and Discrete Mathematics at Ghent University.

Research profile

I work primarly in algebraic graph theory. I am for example interested in studying which properties of a graph can be deduced from its spectrum. My research interests also include combinatorial optimization, quantum information theory, coding theory and finite geometry. 

External positions

Research fellow, Ghent University

1 Oct 202030 Sept 2023

Research fellow, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

1 Oct 202030 Sept 2023


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