Student theses
- 1 - 50 out of 89 results
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A comparative study of methods to estimate and test power-law tails
Schoemaker, M. T. A. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1) & van der Hoorn, W. L. F. (Supervisor 2), 6 Jul 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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A Cramér-von-Mises Based Dip Test for Multimodality
Reinhoudt, S. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1) & Stoepker, I. V. (Supervisor 1), 29 Jun 2022Student thesis: Bachelor
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Adaptive label selection for online prediction with expert advice
van Eersel, M. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1), 11 May 2020Student thesis: Master
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A Mathematical and Simulation-based Analysis of Weighted Linear Regression
Prikken, L. H. A. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1) & Regis, M. (Supervisor 2), 27 Jan 2020Student thesis: Master
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A method for evaluating digitally drawn functions with applications in high school education
Chu, V. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1), 2 Oct 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
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A score-based extension to the probabilistic interpretation of DNA profiles
Wagenaar, C. D. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1), Regis, M. (Supervisor 2) & Ypma, R. (External coach), 31 Aug 2022Student thesis: Master
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A statistical question motivated by testing of quantum devices
Berlin, M. K. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1), 2021Student thesis: Bachelor
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Automated Outlier Detection for Inkjet Printing
Ben Fredj, E. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1), 23 Feb 2023Student thesis: Master
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BEP Predictions Dutch Storm Barrier
Michels, J. R. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1), 2020Student thesis: Bachelor
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Case Study of Big Data Methods for Innovation Detection in the Netherlands: Drop in Classification Model Accuracy Investigation
Locusteanu, E. M. (Author), Daas, P. (Supervisor 1), 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
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Causal discovery from multiple data sets in the presence of latent modifiers
Kraakman, T. B. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1), Feb 2021Student thesis: Bachelor
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Checkerboard copulas with maximum entropy: literature overview and a case study
Zwerus, D. (Author), Perrone, E. (Supervisor 1), 30 Aug 2021Student thesis: Bachelor
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Comparing multinomial, grouped and multivariate control charts for real time monitoring of clean rooms with BioTrak
van Driel, S. A. W. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. (Supervisor 1) & Zhan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 30 Aug 2019Student thesis: Master
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Comparison of parametric and non-parametric approaches for accuracy of quantitative microbiological methods
De Rosa, S. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1), IJzerman - Boon, P. (Supervisor 2) & Gasparini, M. (External coach), 25 Nov 2019Student thesis: Master
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Computing the Effect of Runs Rules on Time-Between-Event Control Charts
Corneille, N. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1), 8 Jun 2021Student thesis: Bachelor
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Conditional Value at Risk under different hazard scenarios: Stress testing the English banking system
van der Moore, J. H. H. (Author), Perrone, E. (Supervisor 1), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 2) & Durante, F. (External coach), 6 Jul 2023Student thesis: Master
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Contextual Anomaly Detection through Multivariate Monitoring of Regression Profiles
van Dalen, O. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1), 14 Sept 2020Student thesis: Master
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Control Charts for Delayed Count Data: A Comparative Study Applied to Disease Outbreak Data
Moutsoziai, R. (Author), Post, R. A. J. (Supervisor 1) & Heidema, S. G. A. M. (Supervisor 2), 29 Oct 2024Student thesis: Master
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Copula-based statistical postprocessing for weather data
Flos, M. G. J. (Author), Perrone, E. (Supervisor 1), Jul 2022Student thesis: Bachelor
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Correlation estimation for bivariate zero-inflated discrete data
de Greef, N. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1) & Zhan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 2020Student thesis: Bachelor
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Coverage of lifetime confidence bounds for highly censored and few Weibull distributed data
Jongerius, S. C. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1) & Rocchetta, R. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2022Student thesis: Master
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Data based improvement of inventory forecasting
Heuvelman, D. M. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1), Regis, M. (Supervisor 2) & van Dien, T. (External coach), 16 Dec 2020Student thesis: Master
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Derivative-free optimisation of high-dimensional functions
Kisters, T. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1), 28 Oct 2019Student thesis: Master
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Detecting abnormal behavior in lithography machines
Dassen, B. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1), Troisi, L. (External coach) & Schepens, S. (External coach), 29 Apr 2019Student thesis: Master
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Detecting Botnets in Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs
Engels, T. P. G. (Author), Komjathy, J. (Supervisor 1) & Jorritsma, J. (Supervisor 2), 11 Mar 2021Student thesis: Master
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Detection of change points and anomalies in Preferential Attachment Models
Douwes, A. S. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1) & van der Hofstad, R. W. (Supervisor 2), 14 Jun 2024Student thesis: Master
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Detection of different types of innovation by unsupervised machine learning
Wei, D. (Author), Daas, P. (Supervisor 1), 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
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Detection of innovative companies using a website to vector-space model
Gutiérrez Bierbooms, C. (Author), Daas, P. (Supervisor 1) & van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 2), 2020Student thesis: Bachelor
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DIALOG: Distributed Intercept Adjusted LOGistic regression
Hrytsenia, M. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. (Supervisor 1), Geleijnse, G. (External coach) & Zhan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 30 Sept 2019Student thesis: Master
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Dimensionality Reduction in Genomic Big Data
Dekkers, D. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1) & Daas, P. (Supervisor 2), 9 Aug 2021Student thesis: Bachelor
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Domain adversarial learning methods for innovative company classification using website texts
Bhattacharjee, S. (Author), Daas, P. (Supervisor 1), Dias Simão, T. (Supervisor 2) & Puts, M. J. H. (External coach), 30 Sept 2024Student thesis: Master
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Estimating remaining useful lifetime bearings using raw vibration measurements
Salomé, D. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1) & Kalikatzarakis, M. (External coach), 30 Aug 2019Student thesis: Master
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Estimation of entropy of random variables to analyze a stochastic model
van Schooten, B. E. (Author), Peletier, M. (Supervisor 1), Hütter, M. (Supervisor 2) & Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 2), 14 Aug 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
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Estimation of the global maximiser of noisy functions
Omar, F. M. A. (Author), De Andrade Serra, P. (Supervisor 1), 17 May 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
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Estimation of Transfer Entropy
Giannarakis, G. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1), Zalmijn, E. (External coach) & Onvlee, J. (External coach), 14 Aug 2020Student thesis: Master
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Evaluation of Precision for Validation of Microbiological Methods
Clement, M. I. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1), IJzerman-Boon, P. C. (Supervisor 2), Manju, M. A. (Supervisor 2) & Heidari, M. (Supervisor 2), 26 Apr 2022Student thesis: Master
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Examing optimal discount policies for substitutable fresh products
Homma, T. J. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1), Mohamadi, N. (Supervisor 2), Drent, M. (Supervisor 2) & Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 23 Jun 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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Exceptional Model Mining: a logistic regression model on cancer registry data
Benevenuta, A. (Author), Kapodistria, S. (Supervisor 1), Serra, P. (Supervisor 2), Duivesteijn, W. (Supervisor 2), Buisman, H. J. (External coach) & Cerquitelli, T. (External coach), 13 Oct 2020Student thesis: Master
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Explaining inter-plant growth model dependencies using nonlinear mixed effects models and causal graphs
van den Broek, J. E. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1) & Mulders, P. J. A. M. (Supervisor 2), 26 Jan 2021Student thesis: Master
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Fitting logistic regression model when the independent variable present limits of detection
van der Zwaag, T. K. (Author), Regis, M. (Supervisor 1), 29 Apr 2024Student thesis: Bachelor
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Forensic statistics: the decision making process in court from a mathematical point of view
Pasch, E. J. M. (Author), De Andrade Serra, P. (Supervisor 1) & Kapodistria, S. (Supervisor 2), 12 Jul 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
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Generalized Linear Model-based Control Charts for High-Purity Processes: An exploratory study on the performance of GLM-based control charts with an application in the chemical industry
Gommers, M. E. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1) & Rizzo, C. (External coach), 10 Aug 2021Student thesis: Master
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Growth curve modelling of infectious disease transmission: Using the Verhulst model in times of the COVID-19 pandemic
Heidema, S. G. A. M. (Author), Post, R. A. J. (Supervisor 1) & van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 2), 2020Student thesis: Bachelor
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Independence of the Self-Starting Statistic and Recursive Residuals
Pennings, G. P. S. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1), Aug 2022Student thesis: Bachelor
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Kendall’s tau for multivariate non-continuous data
Kuresevic, I. (Author), Perrone, E. (Supervisor 1) & Zhan, Z. (Supervisor 2), Aug 2022Student thesis: Bachelor
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Knot positioning in splines
Minten, J. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1) & Serra, P. (External coach), Aug 2022Student thesis: Bachelor
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Likelihood Ratio Testing of Proportionality for Rapid Micro-Biological Methods (RMM) with Poisson Distributed Data
Keizer, S. P. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1), Manju, M. A. (Supervisor 2) & IJzerman-Boon, P. (Supervisor 2), 15 Jun 2020Student thesis: Master
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Literature overview of statistical methods for weather forecasts
Grudnowska, A. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 2) & Perrone, E. (Supervisor 2), 2020Student thesis: Bachelor
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Machine Learning Approaches for Multivariate Process Control on Count Data
Trouwen, T. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1) & Emampour, M. (Supervisor 2), 19 Aug 2021Student thesis: Bachelor
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Mean-variance dependency in ANOVA models: definition and estimation
Boom, E. F. J. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. (Supervisor 1) & Regis, M. (Supervisor 2), 30 Aug 2019Student thesis: Master