Student theses
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2-class Terror Queue model: Analysis and optimal assignment of agents
Janicka-Verpaalen, A. (Author), Vlasiou, M. (Supervisor 1), Jul 2020Student thesis: Bachelor
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A brief exploration into divergent series in probability theory
van Wijk, W. J. (Author), Sanders, J. (Supervisor 1), 2020Student thesis: Bachelor
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A case study based decision tree on the added value of probabilistic forecasting for inventory management
Riesewijk, C. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 1), Drent, C. (Supervisor 2) & Imdahl, C. (Supervisor 2), 29 Nov 2024Student thesis: Master
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Achieving Long Term Fairness through Curiosity Driven Reinforcement Learning: How intrinsic motivation influences fairness in algorithmic decision making
van der Wee, W. J. (Author), Pechenizkiy, M. (Supervisor 1), Gajane, P. (Supervisor 2) & Kapodistria, S. (Supervisor 2), 28 Aug 2023Student thesis: Master
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A comparative study of methods to estimate and test power-law tails
Schoemaker, M. T. A. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1) & van der Hoorn, W. L. F. (Supervisor 2), 6 Jul 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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A comparison of network sampling techniques that preserve local structure
Bouwmeesters, E. C. M. (Author), van der Hoorn, W. L. F. (Supervisor 1) & Klein, B. (External coach), 7 Oct 2024Student thesis: Master
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A Comparison of the Likelihood Estimation of Crude Monte Carlo Against Sequential Monte Carlo for Gamma Process-Based Degradation Models With Noisy Measurement Data
Buist, M. B. C. (Author), Vlasiou, M. (Supervisor 1) & Vaisman, S. (External coach), 23 Feb 2023Student thesis: Master
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A Cramér-von-Mises Based Dip Test for Multimodality
Reinhoudt, S. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1) & Stoepker, I. V. (Supervisor 1), 29 Jun 2022Student thesis: Bachelor
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Adaptive label selection for online prediction with expert advice
van Eersel, M. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1), 11 May 2020Student thesis: Master
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A flexible simulation framework for modeling a feed-pushing AGV in a dairy farm
Buermann, M. (Author), Boon, M. A. A. (Supervisor 1) & Verriet, J. H. (External coach), 20 Dec 2022Student thesis: Master
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A framework for community detection
Gösgens, M. M. (Author), Litvak, N. V. (Supervisor 1) & van der Hofstad, R. W. (Supervisor 2), 18 Mar 2020Student thesis: Master
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A Heuristic Approach for the VRPTW using dual information of its LP formulation
van de Westelaken, M. (Author), Firat, M. (Supervisor 1), Medeiros de Carvalho, R. (Supervisor 2) & Hurkens, C. A. J. (Supervisor 2), 17 Nov 2020Student thesis: Master
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A Hybrid Prediction Method of Travel-Time Reliability for Intermodal Transport Logistics
Kremer, C. J. J. (Author), Martin, L. (Supervisor 1), Schrotenboer, A. (Supervisor 2) & Drent, C. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2023Student thesis: Master
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Algorithms and complexity analysis for discrete battery-limited network connectivity problems
Arets, D. Y. R. (Author), Kostitsyna, I. (Supervisor 1), Ophelders, T. A. E. (Supervisor 2) & Hojny, C. (Supervisor 2), 21 Dec 2022Student thesis: Master
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Algorithms for parallel machine scheduling with a sequence dependent cost function: application in a printed circuit board assembly production environment
Reusken, E. W. (Author), Buchin, K. A. (Supervisor 1), Spieksma, F. C. R. (Supervisor 2), Kowalczyk, D. (Supervisor 2), van de Ven, M. (External coach) & de Wit, L. (External coach), 28 Oct 2019Student thesis: Master
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Algorithms to solve the control-to-facet problem for piecewise affine hybrid systems on polytopes with control limitations
Voogt, F. C. A. (Author), Habets, L. C. G. J. M. (Supervisor 1) & Pendavingh, R. A. (Supervisor 2), 20 Jun 2024Student thesis: Bachelor
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A Mathematical and Simulation-based Analysis of Weighted Linear Regression
Prikken, L. H. A. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1) & Regis, M. (Supervisor 2), 27 Jan 2020Student thesis: Master
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A method for evaluating digitally drawn functions with applications in high school education
Chu, V. (Author), Castro, R. M. (Supervisor 1), 2 Oct 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
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A Modelling Approach to Nanoparticle Selective Targeting of Cancer Cells
Walker, K. R. (Author), van der Hofstad, R. W. (Supervisor 1) & Albertazzi, L. (Supervisor 2), Jul 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analysis of a manual picking zone
Schoenmakers, A. (Author), Sloothaak, F. (Supervisor 1), May 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analysis of an algorithm for finding perfect matching in k-regular bipartite graphs
Blom, D. A. M. P. (Author), Pendavingh, R. A. (Supervisor 1), 31 Aug 2017Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analysis of a sold candy time series with the envelope based approach and Box-Jenkins models
van den Berkmortel, M. (Author), De Andrade Serra, P. J. (Supervisor 1) & Rijpkema, J. J. M. (Supervisor 2), 7 Aug 2018Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analysis of compensation mechanisms for additively manufactured spare parts in the military sector
Huiskes, M. J. M. (Author), Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1), Schlicher, L. (Supervisor 2) & Drent, C. (Supervisor 2), 29 Nov 2024Student thesis: Master
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Analysis of naval networks using stochastic methods
Wils, P. F. E. J. (Author), Borst, S. C. (Supervisor 1) & Cardinaels, E. (Supervisor 2), 18 Aug 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analysis of Online Algorithms for Kidney Allocation
Berberi, K. (Author), Smeulders, B. M. L. (Supervisor 1), Jul 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analysis of the compound binomial model with reinsurance policies
de Rond, J. A. M. (Author), Resing, J. A. C. (Supervisor 1), 11 Jul 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analysis of the expected time to ruin in several insurance models
van der Zande, J. (Author), Resing, J. A. C. (Supervisor 1), 2021Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analysis of the occupation rate of the charging stations at the TU/e
Jansen, F. K. (Author), Zwart, B. (Supervisor 1) & Boon, M. (Supervisor 2), 11 Mar 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analysis of the power consumption in large conveyor systems: research on simultaneous power consumption using stochastics, statistics and simulation
van Groesen, R. C. M. J. (Author), Boon, M. A. A. (Supervisor 1) & van der Heijden, J. (External coach), 24 Apr 2017Student thesis: Master
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Analyzing Bird Monitoring Count Data in the Grensmaas: A Comparative Approach to Deal With High Missingness in the Data
Erkan, M. (Author), van Kreveld, L. (Supervisor 1), Sept 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analyzing politicians in the Dutch House of Representatives using PageRank
Nederlof, J. R. (Author), van der Hoorn, W. L. F. (Supervisor 1), 2022Student thesis: Bachelor
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Analyzing the dock performance in a Jumbo distribution center
Boef, A. A. P. P. (Author), Vlasiou, M. (Supervisor 1), Kapodistria, S. (Supervisor 2) & van Helvoort, M. (External coach), 25 Sept 2017Student thesis: Master
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Analyzing various estimation techniques for software reliability growth models
Ruiter, K. (Author), Di Bucchianico, A. (Supervisor 1), 14 Aug 2018Student thesis: Bachelor
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An analysis of commuter’s outflow from train platforms via stairs
Katiliūtė, V. (Author), Boon, M. A. A. (Supervisor 1), 23 Jan 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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An analysis of the degradation process and replacement policy of hollow fiber filters at MSD Animal Health
de Kerf, R. J. (Author), Akçay, A. E. (Supervisor 1), Drent, C. (Supervisor 2) & Martagan, T. G. (Supervisor 2), 29 Sept 2023Student thesis: Master
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An application feasibility study at KPN focused on clustering techniques and change point detection
Berlin, M. K. (Author), Sanders, J. (Supervisor 1) & Wolf, M. (External coach), 31 Aug 2023Student thesis: Master
An Efficient Implementation of Edmonds’ Blossom Algorithm
Goolkate, M. P. (Author), Pendavingh, R. A. (Supervisor 1), 25 Apr 2024Student thesis: Bachelor
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A New Method to Measure Tree-basedness of Rooted Binary Phylogenetic Networks
Bongaerts, N. M. (Author), Frohn, M. (Supervisor 1) & Keijsper, J. C. M. (Supervisor 2), 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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An exact branch-price-and-cut algorithm for the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries
Ingwersen, C. (Author), Smeulders, B. M. L. (Supervisor 1) & Abdul Roda, M. (External coach), 11 May 2023Student thesis: Master
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An extension of join-the-shortest-queue(d): a fluid limit approach
Arts, J. J. P. E. (Author), van der Boor, M. (Supervisor 1) & Borst, S. (Supervisor 2), 2 Apr 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
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An extreme value theory-based approach to determine the power-law exponent of the clustering function
Lohse, H. (Author), van der Hoorn, W. L. F. (Supervisor 1), Apr 2022Student thesis: Bachelor
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An Investigation into the Performance of Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems Across Various Markets
Snijders, A. L. M. (Author), Drent, C. (Supervisor 1), Dang, Q. V. (Supervisor 2) & Imdahl, C. (Supervisor 2), 22 Dec 2023Student thesis: Master
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An optimal replacement policy
Hendriksen, D. L. (Author), Kapodistria, S. (Supervisor 1), 29 Jul 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
An Outsourcing Decision Framework Integrating a Qualitative and Quantitative Approach: A Case Study at Prodrive Technologies B.V.
van de Ven, A. F. P. (Author), Drent, C. (Supervisor 1), Drent, M. (Supervisor 2) & Tan, L. (Supervisor 2), 26 Apr 2023Student thesis: Master
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A path planning approach for AGVs in the dense grid-based AgvSorter
Fransen, K. J. C. (Author), Pogromskiy, S. (Supervisor 1), Adan, I. (Supervisor 2) & Boon, M. (Supervisor 2), 30 Aug 2019Student thesis: Master
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Appointment scheduling
van Egmond, H. (Author), Boon, M. A. A. (Supervisor 1), 6 Feb 2023Student thesis: Bachelor
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Approximating the optimal policy for structural replacement of a machine with Brownian degradation increments
Razenberg, M. C. M. (Author), Kapodistria, S. (Supervisor 1), 16 Jul 2019Student thesis: Bachelor
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Approximation Algorithm for Technology Diffusion
van der Zande, T. J. G. (Author), Sanità, L. (Supervisor 1), Jul 2022Student thesis: Bachelor
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Approximation of the optimal inventory replenishment policy for multi-items used in a warehouse
Haverhals, J. A. (Author), Resing, J. (Supervisor 1), Bierbooms, J. J. P. H. (External coach) & Hoeven, M. A. M. (External coach), 24 Jun 2019Student thesis: Master
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A queueing network with coupled processor
Douwes, A. S. (Author), Resing, J. A. C. (Supervisor 1), 2020Student thesis: Bachelor