Student theses
- 750 - 800 out of 834 results
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The design of a conceptual segmentation framework for Hilti's supply chain and the impact of forecast consumption logic on system nervousness
Schutten, N. L. (Author), Dabadghao, S. S. (Supervisor 1) & Tan, T. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2018Student thesis: Master
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The design of a decision support tool for allocating capacity to hospital departments taking into account the interdependencies of the outpatient and the surgical department
Blikslager, E. I. D. (Author), van Ooijen, H. P. G. (Supervisor 1) & Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2018Student thesis: Master
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The design of a heavy-duty hydrogen refueling network: Integrating location and distribution mode decisions
Eringfeld, L. R. S. (Author), Lurkin, V. J. C. (Supervisor 1), Tan, T. (Supervisor 2) & Florio, A. M. (Supervisor 2), 23 Dec 2020Student thesis: Master
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The design of an automated hybrid manufacturing system using a discrete-event simulation for an additive manufacturing facility
Knipping, J. (Author), Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1), Dang, Q. V. (Supervisor 2) & Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 2), 26 Apr 2023Student thesis: Master
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The design of an integrated operational scheduling algorithm for surgeries and beds in hospitals
Teunissen, V. J. A. (Author), Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 1) & van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 2), 26 Apr 2017Student thesis: Master
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The design of a nurse capacity planning to create flexibility and improve the workforce division
van Ravenstein, J. J. J. (Author), Dellaert, N. (Supervisor 1), van der Meij, L. (Supervisor 2) & Xiao, G. (Supervisor 2), 28 Feb 2019Student thesis: Master
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The Determination of Hybrid Production Strategy and Inventory Parameter Settings in The Chemical Industry
Adiweno, L. (Author), Lai, D. (Supervisor 1), Mullaoglu, G. (Supervisor 2) & Manafzadeh Dizbin, N. (Supervisor 2), 28 Feb 2022Student thesis: Master
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The development of a decision tree used for inventory management of high-quality products in the OEM market in a long lead time environment
Dirken, J. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. (Supervisor 1) & Akcay, A. (Supervisor 2), 30 Apr 2019Student thesis: Master
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The effects of decisional guidance on the forecast performance in judgmentally adjusting forecasts
Geurts, J. M. (Author), Imdahl, C. (Supervisor 1) & Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 2), 23 Dec 2022Student thesis: Master
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The effects of sourcing on preferential origin and associated supply chain costs
de Jong, R. F. (Author), Slikker, M. (Supervisor 1), Chockalingam, A. (Supervisor 2) & Tan, L. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2019Student thesis: Master
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The effects of storage utilization on warehouse efficiency and operational costs
America, K. F. M. (Author), Atan, Z. (Supervisor 1) & van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2020Student thesis: Master
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The environmental impact of Philips' airfreight logistics and improvements using transport mode shift
Stalpers, S. E. (Author), Tan, T. (Supervisor 1), Lurkin, V. J. C. (Supervisor 2) & Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2), 30 Apr 2020Student thesis: Master
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The frozen horizon length in production planning
Crolla, K. C. H. (Author), van Ooijen, H. P. G. (Supervisor 1) & van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 2), 31 Mar 2017Student thesis: Master
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The future of the first and last mile of parcel delivery: pickup and delivery using hubs and couriers
de Kerf, D. M. L. N. (Author), van Woensel, T. (Supervisor 1) & Veelenturf, L. P. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2017Student thesis: Master
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The global optimization method of homotopy continuation for nonlinear optimization problems: analysis and application to pressurised pipe flow equations
Martens, L. (Author), Marandi, A. (Supervisor 1), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 2) & Etman, L. F. P. (Supervisor 2), 23 Dec 2020Student thesis: Master
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The impact of ADI quality on spare parts inventory control with additive manufacturing
Deurloo, D. (Author), Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1), Tan, T. (Supervisor 2) & van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2021Student thesis: Master
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The impact of climate-related and environmental risk on credit risk of a Dutch mortgage portfolio
Wouters, A. (Author), Atan, Z. (Supervisor 1), Resing, J. (Supervisor 2) & Schlicher, L. (Supervisor 2), 28 Feb 2022Student thesis: Master
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The impact of data-driven maintenance on the Royal Netherlands Navy’s maintenance planning and execution
Redel, W. H. (Author), Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1), Fecarotti, C. (Supervisor 2) & Akçay, A. E. (Supervisor 1), 31 May 2022Student thesis: Master
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The impact of different levels of data aggregation on demand forecasting accuracy
Verschoor, J. (Author), Genga, L. (Supervisor 1) & Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 2), 26 Apr 2023Student thesis: Master
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The impact of different planning methods on Marel’s parts production planning
de Graaf, V. E. J. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1), Martagan, T. G. (Supervisor 2) & Imdahl, C. (Supervisor 2), 30 Jun 2022Student thesis: Master
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The Impact of Late Plan Changes on Production Planning: An Empirical Study in the Semiconductor Industry
van der Linden, R. J. (Author), Imdahl, C. (Supervisor 1) & van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2022Student thesis: Master
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The impact of Lean training on Operational performance of Philips Integrated Supply Chain
Hassan, N. M. (Author), Ranjan, R. (Supervisor 1) & Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2), 23 Dec 2020Student thesis: Master
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The impact of spare parts service measures on the performance measures of a wafer fabrication process
Soellaart, D. H. (Author), Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1), Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2) & Lamghari-Idrissi, D. (External coach), 31 Jan 2019Student thesis: Master
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The Impact of Spatial Interventions on Dwell Time in Urban Logistics
Veld, S. N. (Author), Rasouli, S. (Supervisor 1), van Lieshout, R. (Supervisor 2) & Kin, B. (External coach), 29 Oct 2024Student thesis: Master
The improved design of a circular supply chain in the sporting goods industry
Alamdary Badlou, S. (Author), Dabadghao, S. S. (Supervisor 1) & Flapper, S. D. P. (Supervisor 2), 28 Feb 2018Student thesis: Master
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The Influence of Distribution Center Stock Outs on the Product Availability in the Stores
Verhoef, V. H. (Author), van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 1) & van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2022Student thesis: Master
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The influence of dynamic carrier-to sortation-lane allocation on the performance of an e-commerce warehouse, in a wave-based pick environment
Hermkens, B. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 1) & Dang, Q. V. (Supervisor 2), 23 Dec 2022Student thesis: Master
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The integration of forecasting and inventory management designed for articles with a seasonality pattern
Swinkels, L. M. C. (Author), van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 1), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 2) & van Kollenburg, G. (Supervisor 2), 29 Sept 2023Student thesis: Master
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The integration of human judgment into ASML’s spare part demand forecasting and planning
van der Velden, S. F. (Author), Atan, Z. (Supervisor 1), Imdahl, C. (Supervisor 2) & Stip, J. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jul 2023Student thesis: Master
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The last time buy decision for spare parts for MRI systems at Philips Healthcare
de Ruijter, W. (Author), Flapper, S. D. P. (Supervisor 1) & Slikker, M. (Supervisor 2), 29 Sept 2017Student thesis: Master
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The multi-depot distribution and collection vehicle routing problem with single scheduled lines
Bazelmans, C. H. (Author), Schrotenboer, A. (Supervisor 1) & van Lieshout, R. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2023Student thesis: Master
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The optimal strategy that mitigates the effect of supply chain disruptions for Viscom China products
Mattijssen, L. M. (Author), Zhou, Y. (Supervisor 1), van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 2) & Tan, L. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2022Student thesis: Master
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The order batching problem: a deep reinforcement learning approach
Cals, B. J. H. C. (Author), Zhang, Y. (Supervisor 1), Dijkman, R. M. (Supervisor 2) & van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 2), 29 Nov 2019Student thesis: Master
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The partly open vehicle routing problem: A case study
Kuijten, R. J. M. (Author), Schrotenboer, A. (Supervisor 1) & Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2), 29 Sept 2023Student thesis: Master
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The performance of full year promotions considering consumer behavior and retailer reactivity
van der Heide, P. (Author), van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 1), Mutlu, N. R. (Supervisor 2) & Gelper, S. E. C. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2017Student thesis: Master
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The potential and feasibility of a community first responders network to reduce the response time for urgent cases in the Dutch pre-hospital emergency system
Hillenaar, J. E. A. (Author), Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 1) & Schlicher, L. P. J. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2021Student thesis: Master
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The Real-Life Application of Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Dynamic Environment: Using Deep Q-Network models in a logistics setting to tackle sequential decision problems in a dynamic environment with uncertainty
Hanckmann, T. L. A. (Author), Fecarotti, C. (Supervisor 1) & Dang, Q. V. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2022Student thesis: Master
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The road to a fair price: the design of a LSP tender decision-making tool based on Daganzo's work to investigate the actual distribution costs made by LSPs
Jeunink, R. (Author), de Kok, A. G. (Supervisor 1), Udenio, M. (Supervisor 2) & Veelenturf, L. P. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2018Student thesis: Master
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The role of forecasting and inventory decisions in the retailing industry from the supplier perspective
Coviello, A. (Author), Veelenturf, L. P. (Supervisor 1) & Gelper, S. E. C. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2018Student thesis: Master
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The same-day pickup and delivery problem
Engelen, L. R. (Author), van Woensel, T. (Supervisor 1) & Veelenturf, L. P. (Supervisor 2), 28 Feb 2018Student thesis: Master
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The source of inertia in the transition to circular business models
van Olffen, M. M. B. (Author), Walrave, B. (Supervisor 1) & Mutlu, N. R. (Supervisor 2), 30 Oct 2020Student thesis: Master
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The strategy to increase the adoption rate of electric vehicle
Sari, T. (Author), Tan, T. (Supervisor 1) & Udenio, M. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2017Student thesis: Master
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The Time Window Assignment Traveling Salesman Problem with Stochastic Customers and Travel Times
Wiltschek, A. T. G. (Author), Schrotenboer, A. (Supervisor 1) & Martin, L. (Supervisor 2), 29 Feb 2024Student thesis: Master
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The Truck and Container Problem with Intermodal Delivery Options
Willems, B. (Author), Schrotenboer, A. (Supervisor 1), van Lieshout, R. (Supervisor 2) & Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2023Student thesis: Master
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The Value of Accounting for Demand Uncertainty in Long-Term Production Planning: A Case Study using Stochastic Programming
Bellen, W. E. H. (Author), Dijkman, R. M. (Supervisor 1) & van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2022Student thesis: Master
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The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Fixed Compartments
Merks, A. J. (Author), Lai, D. (Supervisor 1), van Woensel, T. (Supervisor 2) & Dang, Q. V. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2021Student thesis: Master
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Throughput time reduction in an e-fulfilment context : design and evaluation of a job sequencing tool
Eras, J. (Author), van Ooijen, H. P. G. (Supervisor 1) & Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jul 2020Student thesis: Master
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Time Window and Distribution Type Impact on Supply Chain Costs
Maas, M. C. W. (Author), van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 1) & Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 2), 23 Dec 2021Student thesis: Master
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Time Window Assignment: A Case Study in Retail Distribution: An analysis of the effect of time window widths and buffers on timeliness and transportation costs
Beskers, E. (Author), van Lieshout, R. (Supervisor 1), Schrotenboer, A. (Supervisor 2), Zhou, Y. (Supervisor 2) & van Woensel, T. (Supervisor 2), 30 Sept 2022Student thesis: Master
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Timing the planning of transportation for logistical service providers: the case of ELC’s 3PL business
Bouwman, H. J. S. (Author), Martin, L. (Supervisor 1) & Drent, C. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jul 2023Student thesis: Master