Student theses
- 550 - 600 out of 834 results
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Optimizing the maintenance strategy of the fleet at the Port of Rotterdam
Droog, Z. N. (Author), Marandi, A. (Supervisor 1) & Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1), 31 Jul 2018Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the medium-term MRP used for procurement at a FMCG manufacturer: conducted at Mars Chocolate
de Winter, A. M. (Author), Chockalingam, A. (Supervisor 1) & Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2017Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the multi-item aggregate production planning problem under minimum order quantities
van Boven, T. I. (Author), Lurkin, V. J. C. (Supervisor 1), Fecarotti, C. (Supervisor 2) & Florio, A. M. (Supervisor 2), 30 Apr 2020Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the operational planning of seaside operations at a liquid bulk terminal: a decision support tool for service prioritized berth allocation and human resource operations allocation
Bogers, F. R. (Author), de Langen, P. W. (Supervisor 1), Demirci, E. Z. (Supervisor 2) & Veelenturf, L. P. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2017Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the order batching process in an e-fulfilment center
Lolkema, F. (Author), van Houtum, G.-J. J. A. N. (Supervisor 1), Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2) & Marandi, A. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2020Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the Production at MSD Animal Health of a Specific Antigen using Bleed-Feed
van Riet, S. A. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1) & Martagan, T. G. (Supervisor 2), 26 Feb 2021Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the production planning strategy at Mars
Vis, A. M. (Author), Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 1) & Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2020Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing wafer allocation for back-end semiconductor production
Deenen, P. C. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1), Akçay, A. E. (Supervisor 2), Hurkens, C. A. J. (Supervisor 2), Adan, J. (External coach) & Stokkermans, J. P. W. (External coach), 21 Dec 2018Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing Workforce Size and Workload Distribution in Order Fulfillment Operations: An Aggregate Planning Approach
Azoum, E. (Author), van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 1), Drent, M. (Supervisor 2) & Tan, L. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jul 2024Student thesis: Master
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Order acceptance & scheduling at GE Plastics: a new design for the production control structure of a batch process industry
Govers, J. P. A. (Author), van Bel, F. P. D. (Supervisor 1) & Fransoo, J. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2006Student thesis: Master
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Order batching strategies within a mixed-shelves storage allocation
van Dommelen, A. (Author), Mirzaei, M. (Supervisor 1), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 2) & Lai, S. W. (Supervisor 2), 23 Dec 2021Student thesis: Master
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Out-of-Stock reductie van actieartikelen: model voor vraagvoorspelling en logistieke aansturing van actieartikelen bij Schuitema/C1000
van Loo, M. (Author), van Woensel, T. (Supervisor 1) & de Kok, T. (Supervisor 2), 31 Mar 2006Student thesis: Master
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Outsourcing complex sub-assemblies: A conceptual design of the information flows for the outsourcing of complex sub-assemblies
van den Bogaert, M. J. A. (Author), Tan, L. (Supervisor 1) & Mutlu, N. R. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2022Student thesis: Master
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Packaging process optimization of liquid chemicals by using discrete event simulation
de Fouw, M. R. (Author), Marandi, A. (Supervisor 1) & Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2022Student thesis: Master
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Performance comparison of inventory control methods on items with little demand at PACCAR Parts Europe
van Maasakkers, L. J. (Author), Slikker, M. (Supervisor 1) & Marandi, A. (Supervisor 2), 30 Sept 2021Student thesis: Master
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Performance enhancement by supplier relationship management
Kopal, E. (Author), Atan, Z. (Supervisor 1) & Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2), 21 Dec 2018Student thesis: Master
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Physical and data-driven modelling of a natural ingredient conveyor belt dryer
Achterstraat, M. W. (Author), van den Heuvel, E. R. (Supervisor 1), van Kollenburg, G. (Supervisor 2), Kalbasenka, A. (External coach) & Kobesen, R. (External coach), 15 Aug 2023Student thesis: Master
Planning and Control in a High-Mix Low-Volume Job Shop Environment
Kerkhofs, M. J. M. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1) & Martagan, T. G. (Supervisor 2), 29 Jan 2021Student thesis: Master
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Planning and control of inbound operations at a distribution center: the role of information integration and station flexibility
Mares, E. J. N. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 1) & Martagan, T. G. (Supervisor 2), 28 Sept 2018Student thesis: Master
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Planning the starting times of the internal production process at Prodrive Technologies
van der Zanden, B. (Author), Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 1) & Imdahl, C. (Supervisor 2), 30 Jun 2023Student thesis: Master
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Plant Simulation for Line Performance Improvements: An Effectuational Approach for Simulation Data Gathering and Design
Pijnenburg, B. P. M. (Author), den Ouden, E. (Supervisor 1), Adan, J. (Supervisor 2), Akçay, A. E. (Supervisor 2) & Alblas, A. A. (Supervisor 2), 30 Jun 2021Student thesis: Master
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Positive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic?!: Transforming to a New Normal at an Engineering firm
Mommers, I. P. M. (Author), Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 1) & Demerouti, E. (Supervisor 2), 29 Jan 2021Student thesis: Master
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Powder coating line scheduling : a flowshop problem with sequence dependent setup times, machine capacities, due dates and buffers
Hamers, S. A. J. (Author), Kinable, J. (Supervisor 1) & van Woensel, T. (Supervisor 2), 27 Sept 2019Student thesis: Master
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Practical strategies for hedging exchange rate risk by using cashflow forecasts
Jetten, K. P. B. (Author), Chockalingam, A. (Supervisor 1) & Dabadghao, S. S. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2018Student thesis: Master
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Pre- and End-Haul Vehicle Routing Optimization for Intermodal Transportation
van Lier, O. (Author), Schrotenboer, A. (Supervisor 1), Martin, L. (Supervisor 2) & Marandi, A. (Supervisor 2), 29 Nov 2024Student thesis: Master
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Predicting customs value for fulfilment shipments in e-commerce using regression machine learning algorithms
Delissen, N. L. P. (Author), Veenstra, A. W. (Supervisor 1) & Dijkman, R. M. (Supervisor 2), 30 Sept 2020Student thesis: Master
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Predicting cycle time distributions and work-in-progress levels with aggregate modelling in a real-world wafer fab
Middelhuis, J. (Author), Akçay, A. E. (Supervisor 1), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 2) & Martagan, T. G. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2021Student thesis: Master
Predicting Demand for Visits to the Outpatient Gynaecology Department
van de Meulengraaf, L. A. M. (Author), Reshadat, V. (Supervisor 1) & Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2022Student thesis: Master
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Predicting e-commerce consumer behavior using supply chain service metrics
van Genuchten, R. T. (Author), Dabadghao, S. S. (Supervisor 1) & Mutlu, N. R. (Supervisor 2), 29 Jun 2018Student thesis: Master
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Predicting employee turnover and reducing turnover costs using machine learning techniques
Klop, G. (Author), Mirzaei, M. (Supervisor 1), Bukhsh, Z. (Supervisor 2) & Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2021Student thesis: Master
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Predicting maintenance cost of aerospace components (voca/naca) using regression at Fokker Services B.V.
Massa, T. (Author), Eshuis, R. (Supervisor 1), Voorberg, S. (Supervisor 2), van Dis, W. (External coach) & Taspinar, A. (External coach), 21 Jun 2019Student thesis: Master
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Predicting root causes of lost sales using classification machine learning algorithms
Theunissen, S. J. G. (Author), Dabadghao, S. (Supervisor 1) & Mutlu, N. (Supervisor 2), 28 Jun 2019Student thesis: Master
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Predicting the Full Truckload Contract Rate in the Tank Container Industry
Verbunt, C. R. H. (Author), Mutlu, N. R. (Supervisor 1) & Martin, L. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2022Student thesis: Master
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Predicting the losses in production based on product- and process specifications at Hessing Helmond
Boeren, M. S. (Author), Ranjan, R. (Supervisor 1) & Rohmer, S. U. K. (Supervisor 2), 23 Dec 2020Student thesis: Master
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Predicting the number of truck repairs using logged vehicle data
Lemmen, R. M. D. (Author), Kaymak, U. (Supervisor 1), Zhang, Y. (Supervisor 2) & Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2019Student thesis: Master
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Prediction-Based Resource Allocation in a Rolling-Horizon Framework Considering Activity Prioritization
Chatzipanagiotou, D. (Author), Martin, L. (Supervisor 1), Tan, L. (Supervisor 2) & Imdahl, C. (Supervisor 2), 28 Mar 2024Student thesis: Master
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Prediction Modelling for Cutter Suction Dredger Components
Tran, S. (Author), Akçay, A. E. (Supervisor 1), 23 Dec 2020Student thesis: Master
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Predictive modelling of product temperature in the cold supply chain: Usage and potential benefits in the chemical industry
Keijsers, S. J. W. M. (Author), van Ooijen, H. P. G. (Supervisor 1) & Firat, M. (Supervisor 2), 31 Mar 2021Student thesis: Master
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Pre-shipment FSCM: opportunities for banks
van den Berg, N. H. A. (Author), Huang, B. (Supervisor 1), 27 Sept 2019Student thesis: Master
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Prestatiemeting voor de onderhoudsafdeling van Van den Bosch Transporten B.V.
van der Lee, C. W. G. (Author), van der Veeken, H. J. M. (Supervisor 1) & Flapper, S. D. P. (Supervisor 2), 30 Apr 2005Student thesis: Master
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Preventive maintenance optimization including component dependencies
de Boer, J. (Author), Fecarotti, C. (Supervisor 1), van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 2) & Jafari Songhori, M. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2022Student thesis: Master
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Preventive maintenance optimization with updating capabilities for multi-component heterogeneous systems using multi-objective optimization
de Langen, B. W. H. (Author), Fecarotti, C. (Supervisor 1), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 2) & Akçay, A. E. (Supervisor 2), 29 Oct 2021Student thesis: Master
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Preventive maintenance planning: taking into account maintenance resources availability and production & buffer-capacities in a complex production structure
Wouters, R. C. M. (Author), Flapper, S. D. P. (Supervisor 1) & Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2017Student thesis: Master
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Preventive maintenance planning for additive manufacturing systems
de Win, M. M. (Author), Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1) & Flapper, S. D. P. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2018Student thesis: Master
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Pricing as a supply disruption mitigation strategy to manage demand
Lišančić, S. (Author), Chockalingam, A. (Supervisor 1) & Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2018Student thesis: Master
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Printing in the Army: Where to locate additive manufacturing capabilities in a remote spare parts supply chain?
Zijlstra, V. F. E. (Author), Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1), Schlicher, L. (Supervisor 2) & Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 29 Apr 2022Student thesis: Master
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Proactive lateral transshipments and stock allocation via transient behavior of loss systems
Pielage, K. M. P. (Author), Boxma, O. J. (Supervisor 1), van Houtum, G. J. J. A. N. (Supervisor 2), Spieksma, F. C. R. (Supervisor 2), Kuipers, M. A. (External coach) & van Sommeren, R. J. M. (External coach), 30 Nov 2018Student thesis: Master
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Pro-active scheduling through the use of Multi-Agent Systems in High-Mix-Low-Volume shops
Bevelander, T. S. (Author), Didden, J. B. H. C. (Supervisor 1), Dang, Q. V. (Supervisor 2), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 2), van de Mortel-Fronczak, J. M. (Supervisor 2), Mulder, W. (External coach) & Rongen, S. (External coach), 11 Oct 2022Student thesis: Master
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Proactive vehicle relocation in free-floating car sharing systems
Stofberg, T. S. (Author), Lurkin, V. J. C. (Supervisor 1) & Florio, A. (Supervisor 2), 29 Oct 2021Student thesis: Master
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Process improvements for time efficiency in Valeant's demand planning process and the impact on Valeant's supply chain performance
Akgül, N. C. (Author), Kinable, J. (Supervisor 1) & van Woensel, T. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2018Student thesis: Master