Student theses
- 500 - 550 out of 834 results
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Network theory in association football: defining play styles using flow motifs
Bekkers, J. J. W. (Author), Mutlu, N. R. (Supervisor 1) & Dabadghao, S. S. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2017Student thesis: Master
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Onderhandelen over distributievergoedingen: de ontwikkeling van een diagnose- en onderhandelingstool
Verbrugge, M. (Author), van der Veeken, H. J. M. (Supervisor 1) & Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 2), 30 Jun 2004Student thesis: Master
On-line Order Batching in a Single Server Automated Picking System using Reinforcement Learning
Brouwers, N. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1), Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2) & Nataraja, B. M. (Supervisor 2), 14 Apr 2022Student thesis: Master
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On the implementation and effectiveness of condition-based maintenance at a maintenance, repair and overhaul company
Claessens, R. (Author), Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1), van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 2) & Arts, J. J. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2017Student thesis: Master
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On-Time Delivery: Improving Planning And Scheduling In A Multi-Stage Manufacturing System
Giesen, B. J. (Author), Marandi, A. (Supervisor 1), Dang, Q. V. (Supervisor 2) & Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2), 29 Jul 2022Student thesis: Master
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Ontwerp van een scheduler voor de detailplanning van de Koudwalserij Q5 bij Corus Aluminium N.V. te Duffel - België
Inghels, D. A. M. (Author), Flapper, S. D. P. (Supervisor 1) & Fransoo, J. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2006Student thesis: Master
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Optimal allocation of produced fish to customer demand in the processing & packaging phase of an aquaculture supply chain to increase profit by reducing costs
van Dam, L. E. P. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 1) & Schlicher, L. (Supervisor 2), 30 Jun 2021Student thesis: Master
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Optimal AMR Job split
Frees, R. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1), Govaert, L. E. (Supervisor 2), Didden, J. B. H. C. (Supervisor 2), Pogosov, D. (External coach) & Fikse, N. (External coach), 17 Oct 2023Student thesis: Master
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Optimal design for the warehouse network of a chemical company
Namink, S. G. G. (Author), Mutlu, N. R. (Supervisor 1), Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2) & Dabadghao, S. S. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2020Student thesis: Master
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Optimal design of a multimodal distribution network for a chemical company
van den Broek, E. C. M. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 1) & Akçay, A. E. (Supervisor 2), 29 May 2020Student thesis: Master
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Optimal fleet assignment in inland container logistics
Karunakaran, J. (Author), Firat, M. (Supervisor 1), Dijkman, R. M. (Supervisor 2) & Veelenturf, L. P. (Supervisor 2), 30 Apr 2020Student thesis: Master
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Optimal layout and production planning of a sorting process
van Lankveld, T. (Author), Poormoaied, S. (Supervisor 1) & Mirzaei, M. (Supervisor 2), 19 Jun 2020Student thesis: Bachelor
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Optimal positioning and capacities of new turnout facilities for the Surveillance and Protection Department in The Netherlands
Loog, S. (Author), Schlicher, L. (Supervisor 1) & Martin, L. (Supervisor 2), 28 Mar 2024Student thesis: Master
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Optimal positioning of dynamic teams for excessive crimes in The Netherlands
Erkens, J. (Author), Schlicher, L. (Supervisor 1), Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1) & Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2025Student thesis: Master
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Optimal product allocation with special attention to new product introductions
Weekers, R. (Author), Flapper, S. D. P. (Supervisor 1) & Langerak, F. (Supervisor 2), 31 Mar 2020Student thesis: Master
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Optimal Safety Lead Time Duration Considering Different Scenarios for a Pharmaceutical Company
Yakut, D. (Author), van Kollenburg, G. (Supervisor 1), Schrotenboer, A. (Supervisor 2) & Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2025Student thesis: Master
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Optimization in the supply chain of high value reusable containers: a distributor perspective
Jansen, M. M. (Author), Sharman, G. (Supervisor 1) & Flapper, S. D. P. (Supervisor 2), 29 Feb 2004Student thesis: Master
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Optimization of agricultural raw material allocation: a case study in potato product manufacturing
Willems, N. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1), Putri, E. A. (External coach), Ramakers, P. L. J. C. (External coach) & van der Mars, H. (External coach), 14 Jun 2019Student thesis: Master
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Optimization of allocation criteria in multi-warehouse orders for
van Hees, L. (Author), Hurkens, C. A. J. (Supervisor 1), Nederlof, J. (Supervisor 2) & Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2018Student thesis: Master
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Optimization of capacity expansion decisions for online retailers
Huisman, I. C. (Author), Akcay, A. (Supervisor 1) & Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 2), 28 Sept 2018Student thesis: Master
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Optimization of carrier assignment within a cross-chain control center (4C) with a genetic algorithm
Bruisten, M. H. J. S. (Author), Dijkman, R. (Supervisor 1), Razavian, M. (Supervisor 2) & Dellaert, N. (Supervisor 2), 28 Feb 2019Student thesis: Master
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Optimization of field service logistics with the use of a repair kit
Schellens, V. E. (Author), van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 1) & Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jul 2023Student thesis: Master
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Optimization of packaging options in the cold supply chain
Mentink, T. W. (Author), Akcay, A. (Supervisor 1), Zhang, Y. (Supervisor 2) & Xiao, G. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2018Student thesis: Master
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Optimization of scheduling procedure within a bicycle manufacturer
Hofstraat, K. R. G. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1), Akçay, A. E. (Supervisor 2) & Martin, L. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2022Student thesis: Master
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Optimization of strategic supply chain planning
Molhoek, T. H. B. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1) & de Kok, A. G. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2018Student thesis: Master
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Optimization of the inventory levels at an infrastructure and installation wholesaler with smooth, erratic and lumpy demand
van Leeuwen, E. (Author), van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 1), Tan, T. (Supervisor 2) & Dabadghao, S. S. (Supervisor 2), 31 Mar 2021Student thesis: Master
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Optimization of the pre-slaughter logistic process of the Vion Food Group Abattoir in Boxtel in order to reduce waiting times and improve meat quality
Mans, K. M. L. (Author), van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 1) & Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 2), 26 Feb 2021Student thesis: Master
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Optimization on factory configurations for industrial automation solutions
Hoogerwaard, T. J. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1) & van den Meijdenberg, J. (External coach), 10 Nov 2023Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing a partial mixed bundling inventory system subject to an aggregate service constraint
Delfgou, S. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 1) & Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 30 Jun 2022Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing inspection policy based on quality prediction model
van den Buijs, J. (Author), Akcay, A. (Supervisor 1), Marandi, A. (Supervisor 2) & Xiao, G. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2019Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing inventory control at a chemical production plant
van Delft, F. T. A. (Author), van Ooijen, H. P. G. (Supervisor 1), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 2) & van Jaarsveld, W. L. (Supervisor 2), 23 Dec 2021Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing inventory costs under service level constraint
Bax, H. (Author), Atan, Z. (Supervisor 1), van Donselaar, K. (Supervisor 2) & Dellaert, N. (Supervisor 2), 28 Jun 2019Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing Inventory Performance Through Integrated Forecasting and Inventory Control in Long and Stochastic Lead Times
Petković, M. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 1), van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 2) & Genga, L. (Supervisor 2), 20 Dec 2024Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing inventory-production planning for enhanced efficiency in silo park at SABIC
Roeleven, S. B. (Author), Marandi, A. (Supervisor 1), Dellaert, N. P. (Supervisor 2) & Drent, M. (Supervisor 2), 28 Mar 2024Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing Inventory Replenishment for Centralized and Decentralized 2-Location Supply Chains Using Genetic Algorithms in E-commerce
van Zantvoort, C. A. P. (Author), Drent, C. (Supervisor 1), van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 2) & Mohammadi, M. (Supervisor 2), 30 Sept 2024Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing maintenance decision-making based on imperfect predictions
Derks, T. E. H. (Author), Blok, H. (Supervisor 1), Akçay, A. (Supervisor 2) & Xiao, G. (Supervisor 2), 26 Apr 2017Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing Multi-Item Inventory Management at a Retailer facing Supply Disruptions
Beurskens, G. P. J. (Author), van Donselaar, K. H. (Supervisor 1) & Drent, M. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2024Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing multi-warehouse assortment allocation in an online retail environment
Bonekamp, B. J. H. (Author), Chockalingam, A. (Supervisor 1), Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2) & Marandi, A. (Supervisor 2), 19 Dec 2019Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing performance management of reverse logistics in an e-commerce environment for multiple return sites throughout Europe
Blom, B. A. M. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 1) & Dabadghao, S. S. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2018Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing production control in the lithography area of a semiconductor manufacturing facility
Adriaensen, R. A. M. (Author), Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 1), Deenen, P. C. (Supervisor 2) & Driessen, J. (Supervisor 2), 1 Oct 2021Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing Quantity Discounts to Reduce Transportation Frequency in the Supply Chain of an AV Manufacturer
Verheijden, J. (Author), Dang, Q. V. (Supervisor 1), Schrotenboer, A. (Supervisor 2) & Mohammadi, M. (Supervisor 2), 29 Nov 2024Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing ramp up speed of packing lines
Koks, T. (Author), Akcay, A. (Supervisor 1) & Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 2), 21 Dec 2018Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing shelf replenishment for the meat in-store production department and the value of expiration date visibility
van den Hoogenhof, K. J. (Author), van Donselaar, K. (Supervisor 1) & Mutlu, N. (Supervisor 2), 30 Aug 2019Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing storage assignment in a 3PL warehouse with stochastic non-stationary demand
Verlinden, T. C. W. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 1) & Mutlu, N. R. (Supervisor 2), 28 Feb 2018Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the baggage handling process for flight handling at Schiphol Airport
van Ganzewinkel, S. H. J. (Author), Poormoaied, S. (Supervisor 1), Marandi, A. (Supervisor 2) & Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2021Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the Cross-Docking Operations for the Dutch Flower Logistics
Vahrmeijer, J. C. (Author), Lai, S. W. (Supervisor 1) & Schrotenboer, A. H. (Supervisor 2), 31 Mar 2022Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the delivery performance of a semi-mechanized distribution center in a retail supply chain
Merx, E. A. (Author), Broekmeulen, R. A. C. M. (Supervisor 1) & Adan, I. J. B. F. (Supervisor 2), 29 Sept 2017Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the Forecasting Procedure of the Cougar Helicopter towards the Ideal Trade-off between Holding Costs, Effort and Spare Part Availability
Berket, J. (Author), Basten, R. J. I. (Supervisor 1), Imdahl, C. (Supervisor 2) & Schlicher, L. (Supervisor 2), 20 Dec 2024Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the freight handling in the air cargo handling chain: the concept of drop and collect
Vrancken, R. E. M. (Author), Veenstra, A. W. (Supervisor 1), Veelenturf, L. P. (Supervisor 2) & Dabadghao, S. S. (Supervisor 2), 30 Sept 2020Student thesis: Master
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Optimizing the long lead time supply chain of Office Depot Europe
Obers, F. J. E. (Author), Dabadghao, S. S. (Supervisor 1) & Atan, Z. (Supervisor 2), 30 Apr 2018Student thesis: Master