- 450 - 500 out of 667 results
Search results
Elisa Pioldi
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Rui M. Castro
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Statistics - Associate Professor
- EAISI Foundational - Associate Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematical Statistics - Associate Professor
Person: UHD : Associate Professor, UD : Assistant Professor
Yoeri R.J. Poels, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Data Mining - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
I.S. (Sorin) Pop
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Analysis - University Researcher
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Jim W. Portegies
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Analysis - Assistant Professor
- EAISI Foundational - Assistant Professor
- EAISI Mobility - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Niusha Pourjafari
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Automotive Systems Design - Postgraduate Design Engineer
Person: TOIO : EngPD-trainee
Vidya Prasad, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Visual Analytics - Former Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Georg Prokert
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Analysis - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Wieger R. Punter
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Database Group - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Erik Quaeghebeur
- EAISI Foundational - Assistant Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Benjamin Quost
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence - University Researcher
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Pratik Rai
Person: PD : Postdoc
Nithish Raja
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Doctoral Candidate-TA
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Alberto Ravagnani
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematical Communication Theory - Associate Professor
Person: UHD : Associate Professor
Mahefa Ravelonanosy, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Analysis - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Arpan Ray
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Security - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Oded Raz
- Electrical Engineering, Low Latency Interconnect Networks
- Electrical Engineering, Electro-Optical Communication - Full Professor
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven
Person: HGL : Professor, UHD : Associate Professor
Marta Regis
- EAISI Health - Assistant Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Statistics - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Hajo A. Reijers
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Process Analytics - Full Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Process Analytics - Full Professor
Person: HGL : Professor
Luuk E.R.M. Reijnders
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Algebraic Combinatorics - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Andreas W. Reimer
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Geometric Algorithms - University Researcher
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Jacques A.C. Resing
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Stochastic Operations Research - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Connor Riddlesden
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Probability - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Sjoerd W. Rienstra
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Scientific Computing - University Researcher
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
J.J.M. (Koo) Rijpkema
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Statistics - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Silvia Ritsch, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied and Provable Security - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Marcel J.M. Roeloffzen
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Geometric Algorithms - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Kay Roggenbuck, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Visual Analytics - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Simon Rommel
- Electrical Engineering, Electro-Optical Communication - Assistant Professor
- Electrical Engineering, Quantum & Terahertz Systems - Assistant Professor
- Electrical Engineering, Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven
- Electrical Engineering, Terahertz Photonic Systems
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Jaume Ros Alonso
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Visual Analytics for Data Science - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Martin Rosso, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Security - Former Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Frank Röttger
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematical Statistics - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Cédric Roy
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Combinatorial Optimization - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Satrio Rukmono
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Engineering of Software-Intensive Systems - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Leonie Ryvkin
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Geometric Algorithms - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Arpan Sadhukhan, BSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Algorithms - Former Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Sepehr Sadoughi
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Database Group - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Aaqib Saeed
- Mathematics and Computer Science - Assistant Professor
- EAISI - Assistant Professor
- EAISI Foundational - Assistant Professor
- EAISI Health - Assistant Professor
- Industrial Design, Computational Design Systems - Assistant Professor
- Industrial Design, All Industrial Design - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Mahdi Saeedi Nikoo, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Software Engineering and Technology - Former Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Abishanka Saha
Person: PD : Postdoc
Jaron Sanders, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Stochastic Operations Research - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Benjamin Sanderse
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Scientific Computing - Associate Professor
- EAISI - Associate Professor
Person: UHD : Associate Professor