- 350 - 400 out of 667 results
Search results
Mohammad Mahzoun
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - University Researcher
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Rudolf H. Mak
- Mathematics and Computer Science - Assistant Professor
- EAISI High Tech Systems - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Pranab Mandal
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematical Statistics - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Remco Mannak
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Bachelor Data Science - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Felix Mannhardt, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Process Analytics - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
David A. Manrique Negrin
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Software Engineering and Technology - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Frans Martens
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Analysis - University Researcher
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Center for Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications - University Researcher
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Jan Martens, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Formal System Analysis - Former Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Joseph M.L. Maubach
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Scientific Computing - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Renata Medeiros de Carvalho
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Process Analytics - Assistant Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Process Analytics - Assistant Professor
- EAISI Foundational - Assistant Professor
- EAISI Health - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
J.C. (Jan-Cees) van der Meer
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Analysis - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Marlyne Meijerink-Bosman, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Bachelor Data Science - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Matthias C.F.H.P. Meijers, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied and Provable Security - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Elisabeth Melby, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Software Engineering and Technology - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Hugo A. Melchers
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Scientific Computing - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Sunimal Mendis
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Bachelor Data Science - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Linhao Meng
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Visual Analytics - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
V. Menkovski
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Data Mining - Associate Professor
- EAISI Health - Associate Professor
- ICMS Affiliated member - Associate Professor
- EAISI High Tech Systems - Associate Professor
Person: UHD : Associate Professor, UD : Assistant Professor
Nirvana Meratnia
- Mathematics and Computer Science - Full Professor
- EAISI High Tech Systems - Full Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Interconnected Resource-aware Intelligent Systems - Full Professor
- Intelligent Lighting Institute - Full Professor
Person: HGL : Professor
Wouter Meulemans
- EAISI Foundational - Assistant Professor
- EAISI Health - Assistant Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Geometric Algorithms - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Wil P.A.J. Michiels
- Mathematics and Computer Science - Full Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Security - Full Professor
Person: HGL : Professor
Daphne E. Miedema, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Database Group - Assistant Professor
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD), UD : Assistant Professor
Marta Milewska, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Stochastic Operations Research - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Koen Minartz
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Data Mining - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Koondanibha Mitra, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Computational Illumination Optics - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Decebal C. Mocanu
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Data Mining - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Hamid Mohayeji Nasrabadi, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Social Software Engineering - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Pierre Mollo
Person: PD : Postdoc
Morteza Monemizadeh
- EAISI Foundational - Assistant Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Algorithms - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
David Montalvan Hernandez, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence - Former Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
James Morris
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematical Statistics - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Hennie G. ter Morsche
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Service Mathematics - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Habib Mostafaei
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Interconnected Resource-aware Intelligent Systems - Assistant Professor
- EAISI High Tech Systems - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Hossain Muhammad Muctadir, EngD
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Software Engineering and Technology - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Olga Mula
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Data Driven Computational Science - Associate Professor
Person: UHD : Associate Professor
Joris Mulder
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Bachelor Data Science - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Thomas Mulder, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Database Group - Former Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD), Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Tom Mulders
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Security - ICT Developer
Person: OBP : Supportive and management staff
Max J.M. van Mulken
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied Geometric Algorithms - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Noela Müller
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Probability - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor