- 250 - 300 out of 670 results
Search results
Olga M. Houben-van Herwijnen
- Mathematics and Computer Science - Secretary of the Executive Board
Person: OBP : Supportive and management staff
Kathrin Hövelmanns, PhD
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied and Provable Security - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Chenyan Huang, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Statistics - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Kai-Chun Huang, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Probability - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Tianjin Huang
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Data Mining - University Researcher
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Cornelis (Kees) Huizing
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Software Engineering and Technology
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Engineering of Software-Intensive Systems - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Andreas T. Hülsing
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied and Provable Security - Associate Professor
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Associate Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics - Assistant Professor
Person: UHD : Associate Professor, UD : Assistant Professor
Cor A.J. Hurkens
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Combinatorial Optimization - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Wilbert L. IJzerman
- Intelligent Lighting Institute - Full Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Computational Illumination Optics - Full Professor
Person: HGL : Professor
Afrouz Jabal Ameli
Person: PD : Postdoc
Andrei C. Jalba
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Visualization - Assistant Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Visual Analytics - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Agnieszka Janicka
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Stochastic Operations Research - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Ilona Jankowska, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Project Development Office M&CS - Knowledge Valorisation Officer
Person: OBP : Supportive and management staff
Bart M.P. Jansen
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Graph Algorithms - Associate Professor
Person: UHD : Associate Professor
David N. Jansen
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Formal System Analysis - University Researcher
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Willem Jansen
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Computational Illumination Optics - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Augustus J.E.M. Janssen
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Stochastic Operations Research - University Researcher
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Benjamin Jany
Person: PD : Postdoc
Dmitri S. Jarnikov, PDEng
- Mathematics and Computer Science - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Kevin H.J. Jilissen
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Formal System Analysis - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Ziwei Jin, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Database Group - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Purva Joshi, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Stochastic Operations Research - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Basheer Joudeh
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Security - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Sinan Kapçak
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Discrete Algebra and Geometry - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Stella Kapodistria
- EAISI High Tech Systems - Associate Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Stochastic Operations Research - Associate Professor
Person: UHD : Associate Professor
Priyanka Karkhanis
Person: PD : Postdoc
Laura Kaschny, LLM
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Bachelor Data Science - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Judith C.M. Keijsper
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Combinatorial Optimization - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Jeroen J.A. Keiren
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Formal System Analysis - Assistant Professor
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Formal System Analysis - Assistant Professor
Person: UD : Assistant Professor
Sandra P. Keizer, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Statistics - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Sanne F.M. van Kempen
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Stochastic Operations Research - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Stash Kempinski
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Data Protection - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Leon Kersten
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Threat Analysis - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
W.M.M. (Erwin) Kessels
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Atomic scale processing
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Processing of low-dimensional nanomaterials
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven
- EIRES Research - Full Professor
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Plasma & Materials Processing - Full Professor
Person: HGL : Professor
Esther Keymolen
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Bachelor Data Science - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Arash Khabbaz Saberi, MSc
Person: PD : Postdoc
Antonina Khramova
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Algebraic Combinatorics - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)
Tobias Klein
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Bachelor Data Science - University Lecturer
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Eva L. Klijn, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Process Analytics - Doctoral Candidate-TA
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Process Analytics on Multi-Dimensional Data - Doctoral Candidate-TA
Person: OWP : University Teacher / Researcher
Arnout Klinkenberg
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Scientific Computing - Doctoral Candidate
Person: Prom. : doctoral candidate (PhD)