• AddressShow on map

    De Zaale, Atlas building



  • Postal addressShow on map

    PO Box 513

    5600 MB Eindhoven


Organisation profile

Introduction / mission

We live in a time of big changes in the environment, society and technology that are accelerated by the climate crisis. The cluster tries to find new ways to handle the complexity that comes with these changes.

Organisation profile

Research Vision

We live in a time of big changes in the environment, society and technology that are accelerated by the climate crisis. The cluster tries to find new ways to handle the complexity that comes with these changes. It does so through the act of making. This making always happens in context, with materials, tools and machines, biomaterials, animals, plants, artificial intelligences and human stakeholders. The cluster focuses on engaging with complex situations and favors caring and paying attention over looking for a solution. The messiness, failures and dead ends of this process are as valuable as its successes. They help us learn and come up with new ways to deal with complex problems that existing solution-oriented approaches cannot handle.

The cluster wants to realize its vision in three ways. First, students are trained how to use the cluster’s approach in engaging with complexity. After completing their studies, they will apply this approach in their work as designers. Second, the cluster creates examples of designs that bring the approach to life and hopefully convince and inspire others. Finally, the cluster develops methods that can be used by designers, scientists and others to deal with complex problems in society.

Research Identity

The cluster brings together people with diverse specializations to engage with the act of making. Cluster members have competences in areas such as Participation and Co-Creation, Vision and Imagination, Experimental Environments, and working with biomaterials, low-fidelity materials, soft materials, designer materials and meta materials, stories and narratives, and biofabrication.


In his book "Things We Could Design for More Than Human-Centered Worlds" (2021), Ron Wakkary proposes a design approach that emphasizes humility and cohabitation. He introduces the concept of "Designing With" for a design practice that acknowledges that humans and nonhumans depend on each other in terms of materials, ethics, and existence.

Cluster members played a key role in starting EIT Culture & Creativity, an initiative supported by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology. This program promotes innovation by investigating new methods of collaborative design with multiple stakeholders. It champions open-ended participatory processes, cooperation across sectors, and sustainable development.