Student theses
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Modelling biventricular heart mechanics under left ventricular assist device support
Hermans, T. C. A. (Author), Bovendeerd, P. (Supervisor 1), Chen, E. (Supervisor 2), van de Vosse, F. (Supervisor 1), van Rietbergen, B. (Supervisor 2), Rutten, M. (Supervisor 2) & Delhaas, T. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2019Student thesis: Master
Modelling cardiac growth driven by local myofibre work density
van der Donk, L. (Author), van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 1), Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 2), Prinzen, F. (Supervisor 2), Bovendeerd, P. H. M. (Supervisor 2), Oomens, C. W. J. (Supervisor 2) & Pluijmert, M. H. (Supervisor 2), 31 Mar 2014Student thesis: Master
Modelling determinants of bile acid composition in obesity using a physiology-based bile acid model
Passet, E. C. (Author), van Riel, N. A. W. (Supervisor 1) & Bosnacki, D. (Supervisor 2), 26 Oct 2023Student thesis: Master
Modelling human metabolism and regulation
Rutten, S. J. A. (Author), van Riel, N. A. W. (Supervisor 1), de Jager, A. G. (Supervisor 2) & Lazar, M. (Supervisor 2), 26 Oct 2017Student thesis: Master
Modelling Magnetic-Induced Alignment of 3D Printed Collagen in Viscous Support Baths
de Bode, J. (Author), Castilho, M. (Supervisor 1) & Rokoš, O. (Supervisor 2), 2023Student thesis: Master
Modelling multi-infusion: the effects of flow rate changes and air on drug administration
Haaijer, K. (Author), Rutten, M. C. M. (Supervisor 1), van Pul, C. (Supervisor 2) & Timmerman, A. M. D. E. (External coach), 25 Jun 2020Student thesis: Master
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Modelling of the anastomosis pressure drop in arteriovenous fistulas
Maas, T. M. G. (Author), Huberts, W. (Supervisor 1) & van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2016Student thesis: Master
Modelling of viscoelastic arterial wall behaviour in a wave propagation model of blood flow in large vessels
Schröder, T. G. M. (Author), van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 1), van Dongen, M. E. H. (Supervisor 2), Oomens, C. W. J. (Supervisor 2), Tijsseling, A. S. (Supervisor 2), Rutten, M. C. M. (Supervisor 2) & Bessems, D. (Supervisor 2), 30 Jun 2005Student thesis: Master
Modelling the dynamic behaviour of epicardial pressure and flow: combining a continuous and a discrete model
Boogaard, F. L. (Author), van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 1), Rutten, M. C. M. (Supervisor 2), van 't Veer, M. (Supervisor 2), ten Eikelder, H. M. M. (Supervisor 2) & van der Horst, A. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2011Student thesis: Master
Modelling the effects of a heart assist device on aortic pressure and flow
Kwak, N. T. M. R. (Author), van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 1) & Bovendeerd, P. H. M. (Supervisor 2), 31 Mar 2004Student thesis: Master
Modelling the hemodynamic effects of enhanched external counterpulsation
Hilhorst, P. L. J. (Author), van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 1), Huberts, W. (Supervisor 2), Du, J. (External coach), Veta, M. (Supervisor 2) & Sels, J. W. (External coach), 13 Sept 2021Student thesis: Master
Modelling the orientation selectivity of neurons in the human primary visual cortex
Klijn, F. A. J. (Author), Kuijpers, N. H. L. (Supervisor 1), ten Eikelder, H. M. M. (Supervisor 2) & Hilbers, P. A. J. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2005Student thesis: Master
Modelling the pulsatility along the carotid siphon
Groen, B. H. L. (Author), van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 1), Pluim, J. P. W. (Supervisor 2), Mali, W. P. T. M. (External coach), Zwanenburg, J. J. M. (External coach), Huberts, W. (External coach) & Gashi, K. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2016Student thesis: Master
Modification of myoglobin via the cofactor reconstitution method and the development of a controlled release system based on silica hollow spheres
Botterhuis, N. E. (Author), Sommerdijk, N. A. J. M. (Supervisor 1), Boerakker, M. J. (Supervisor 2), Meijer, E. W. (Supervisor 2), Magusin, P. C. M. M. (Supervisor 2) & Merkx, M. (Supervisor 2), 29 Feb 2004Student thesis: Master
Modifying supramolecular biomaterial surfaces with zwitterionic polymers: comparing a modular and post-modification approach with zwitterionic polymers at supramolecular biomaterial surfaces to induce anti-fouling properties
Bartels, P. A. A. (Author), Ippel, B. (Supervisor 1), Boonen, R. (Supervisor 2) & Dankers, P. (Supervisor 2), 20 Dec 2018Student thesis: Master
Molecular dynamics simulations of protein mediated lipid membrane fusion using coarse grained protein models
van Tilburg, P. A. M. (Author), Markvoort, A. J. (Supervisor 1), 27 Jan 2022Student thesis: Master
Molecular dynamics simulations with PumMa on a graphical processing unit
de Koning, D. A. M. (Author), Hilbers, P. A. J. (Supervisor 1), Markvoort, A. J. (Supervisor 2) & Veta, M. (Supervisor 2), 27 Jan 2022Student thesis: Master
Molecular imaging: characterization of novel lipid-based MR contrast agents
van Heeswijk, R. B. (Author), Mulder, W. J. M. (Supervisor 1), Strijkers, G. J. (Supervisor 2) & Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 2), 31 Dec 2004Student thesis: Master
Molecular imaging of early thrombus formation using targeted SPIO nanoparticles
van Hoof, R. H. M. (Author), Kooi, M. E. (Supervisor 1) & Wolters, M. (Supervisor 2), 31 Dec 2011Student thesis: Master
Molecular MRI of VCAM-1 expression in atherosclerotic mice using targeted micellular iron oxides
Chatrou, M. L. L. (Author), van Bochove, G. S. (Supervisor 1), Strijkers, G. J. (Supervisor 2), Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 2), van der Schaft, D. W. J. (Supervisor 2), van der Weerd, L. (Supervisor 2) & van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 2), 30 Nov 2009Student thesis: Master
Monitoring copper-induced protein-protein interactions using split Renilla luciferase complementation
Faesen, A. C. (Author), van Dongen, E. M. W. M. (Supervisor 1), Merkx, M. (Supervisor 2), Meijer, E. W. (Supervisor 2), Klomp, L. W. J. (Supervisor 2) & Pieterse, K. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2005Student thesis: Master
Monitoring liver cancer therapy: nonrigid multi-scale registration of pre- and post-treatment MR images
Li, D. (Author), van Muiswinkel, A. (Supervisor 1) & ter Haar Romenij, B. M. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2010Student thesis: Master
Monte Carlo techniques applied to bilayer formation and ligand docking
Nelissen, H. (Author), Markvoort, A. J. (Supervisor 1) & Spijker, P. (Supervisor 2), 31 Jan 2009Student thesis: Master
More than just left and right: a study of anteroposterior fibres in the corpus callosum and their role in brain network and cognition
van der Voort, E. C. (Author), Raaijmakers, A. J. E. (Supervisor 1), Leemans, A. L. G. (External coach) & De Luca, A. (External coach), 14 Jun 2021Student thesis: Master
Morphologic feature based white matter identification
Yu, Y. (Author), Vilanova Bartroli, A. (Supervisor 1), ter Haar Romenij, B. M. (Supervisor 2), Moerland, A. (External coach), van Muiswinkel, A. (Supervisor 2) & Leemans, A. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2012Student thesis: Master
Motion extraction based on multiscale anchor point movement and a soft constraint for greyscale conservation
van Dorst, P. A. G. (Author), Janssen, B. J. (Supervisor 1), Florack, L. M. J. (Supervisor 2), ter Haar Romenij, B. M. (Supervisor 2), Hilbers, P. A. J. (Supervisor 2) & Berretty, R. P. M. (External coach), 31 Oct 2007Student thesis: Master
Mouse myocardial first-pass perfusion MRI
Moonen, R. P. M. (Author), Coolen, B. F. (Supervisor 1), Strijkers, G. J. (Supervisor 2), Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 2), van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 2) & Kouwenhoven, M. H. L. (Supervisor 2), 28 Feb 2010Student thesis: Master
MR-based quantitative analysis of the local myocardial contraction - to assist cardiac resynchronization therapy
Bary, L. H. (Author), Breeuwer, M. (External coach), Hautvast, G. L. T. F. (External coach), Gerritsen, F. A. (External coach) & van Assen, H. C. (Supervisor 1), 31 Aug 2007Student thesis: Master
MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging of left ventricular remodeling following myocardial infarction in mice
Bouts, A. (Author), Strijkers, G. J. (Supervisor 1) & Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 2), 31 Mar 2006Student thesis: Master
MRI based quantification of outflow boundary conditions for wall shear stress calculations in stenosed human carotid bifurcations
Simons, L. (Author), van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 1), Bosboom, E. M. H. (Supervisor 2), Strijkers, G. J. (Supervisor 2), Wentzel, J. J. (External coach) & van der Lugt, A. (External coach), 2009Student thesis: Master
MRI-based quantitative perfusion measurements in skeletal muscle tissue
van Tilborg, G. A. F. (Author), Strijkers, G. J. (Supervisor 1), Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 2), Kopinga, K. (Supervisor 2), ter Haar Romenij, B. M. (Supervisor 2) & Slaaf, D. W. (Supervisor 2), 31 May 2003Student thesis: Master
MRI of the ischemic mouse heart
Wijnen, J. P. (Author), Heijman, E. (Supervisor 1), Strijkers, G. J. (Supervisor 2) & Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 2), 30 Jun 2005Student thesis: Master
MRI of the lungs and mediastinum: comparison of motion compensation techniques
Canjels, L. P. W. (Author), Prompers, J. J. (Supervisor 1), Strijkers, G. J. (Supervisor 2), Breeuwer, M. (Supervisor 2), Tijssen, R. (External coach) & Philippens, M. E. P. (External coach), 24 Nov 2016Student thesis: Master
MRI sequence development for atherosclerotic plaque imaging
Miserus, R.-J. (Author), Kooi, M. E. (Supervisor 1), Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 2) & van Engelshoven, J. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2004Student thesis: Master
MR-methods for real-time motion characterization of the pancreas
Stemkens, B. (Author), Tijssen, H. N. (External coach), van den Bergh, N. (External coach), Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 1), Strijkers, G. J. (Supervisor 2) & Vilanova Bartroli, A. (Supervisor 2), 31 Mar 2013Student thesis: Master
MR quantification of a novel cardiac regenerative therapy by assessing cardiac endothelial function and mechanical deformations
van den Boomen, M. (Author), Vandoorne, K. (Supervisor 1) & Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 2), 29 Feb 2016Student thesis: Master
MR-STAT in the brain and beyond
Grimbergen, G. (Author), Raaijmakers, A. J. E. (Supervisor 1), Lopata, R. G. P. (Supervisor 2), Breeuwer, M. (Supervisor 2), Mandija, S. (External coach) & Bruijnen, T. (External coach), 27 Aug 2020Student thesis: Master
Multi-body modelling of recumbent cycling: an optimisation of configuration and cadence
de Jong, P. (Author), Meijer, K. (Supervisor 1), Wagenmakers, A. J. M. (Supervisor 2), de Zee, M. (Supervisor 2), Hilbers, P. A. J. (Supervisor 2), Savelberg, H. H. C. M. (Supervisor 2) & van de Vosse, F. N. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2006Student thesis: Master
Multicompartmental model for apolipoprotein B-100 and triglyceride metabolism in VLDL-IDL-LDL subfractions of individuals who underwent bariatric surgery
Cao, J. H. (Author), van Riel, N. A. W. (Supervisor 1) & Yildirim, V. (External coach), 27 Feb 2023Student thesis: Master
Multi-domain automated cardiac MR scar quantification using synthetic data
van Wijngaarden, S. A. (Author), Pluim, J. P. W. (Supervisor 1), 29 Aug 2024Student thesis: Master
Multimodal cancer treatment
Besse, H. C. (Author), Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 1), Deckers, R. H. R. (External coach) & Moonen, C. T. W. (External coach), 31 Aug 2014Student thesis: Master
Multimodel liposomes for SPECT quantification and pretargeting
Kneepkens, E. C. M. (Author), Grüll, H. (Supervisor 1), Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 2), Brunsveld, L. (Supervisor 2), Strijkers, G. J. (Supervisor 2), Robillard, M. S. (External coach), Koning, G. (External coach) & de Smet, M. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2012Student thesis: Master
Multi-parametric MR for prostate cancer localization: prostate cancer localization with a multi-parametric MR approach and diffusion weighted MRI in the prostate at 7T
Koopman, M. (Author), Nicolaij, K. (Supervisor 1), Lopata, R. G. P. (Supervisor 2), Heerschap, A. (External coach), Maas, M. C. (External coach) & Zamecnik, P. (External coach), 31 Dec 2012Student thesis: Master
Multi-perspective Puls/e Wave Velocity Imaging of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Phantoms
van Heesch, A. P. M. (Author), Jansen, L. C. (Supervisor 1) & Lopata, R. G. P. (Supervisor 2), 25 Aug 2022Student thesis: Master
Multiple fundus features in early diabetes detection
Huang, F. (Author), ter Haar Romenij, B. M. (Supervisor 1), Bekkers, E. J. (Supervisor 2) & Berendschot, T. T. J. M. (Supervisor 2), 31 Oct 2013Student thesis: Master
Multiscale hierarchical segmentation
Platel, B. (Author), Florack, L. M. J. (Supervisor 1), Hilbers, P. A. J. (Supervisor 2) & ter Haar Romenij, B. M. (Supervisor 2), 31 Dec 2002Student thesis: Master
Multi-scale modeling of textile composites
Chua, T. W. (Author), Kouznetsova, V. G. (Supervisor 1), Wilson, W. (Supervisor 2) & Geers, M. G. D. (Supervisor 2), 2010Student thesis: Master
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Multi-scale model of the lymphatic primary valve during inflammation and tissue deformation
Soetens, J. F. J. (Author), Oomens, C. W. J. (Supervisor 1), Mak, A. F. T. (External coach) & Baaijens, F. P. T. (Supervisor 2), 31 Aug 2014Student thesis: Master
Multi-scale simulations of enzymatic reactions on DNA origami scaffolds
Roodhuizen, J. A. L. (Author), Hilbers, P. A. J. (Supervisor 1), Markvoort, A. J. (Supervisor 2) & de Greef, T. F. A. (Supervisor 2), 29 Sept 2016Student thesis: Master
Multispectral photoacoustic imaging of abdominal aortic aneurysm thrombus: Feasibility study of composition characterization and layer detection
van Bergen, R. (Author), Lopata, R. G. P. (Supervisor 1), Wu, M. (Supervisor 2) & Cano Barrera, C. (Supervisor 2), 29 Sept 2022Student thesis: Master