/d.search Lab

Facility/equipment: Facility



The /d.search lab (short for design research lab) is dedicated to the realization of low (for design exploration) and high-quality (for design validation) prototypes for master students and researchers of the department ID.
Also many prototypes featured at the DDW (Dutch Design Week) and other exhibitions have contributions from /d.search lab facilities and staff. The lab facilities are also used for the support of innovative projects within education that deserve extra attention get to the level to attract industry and inform and inspire research. This can be in the form of advice or help with the actual realization (by lab staff or externally).
The lab also houses the multi-disciplinary support staff team (electronics, mechanics, software) that creates prototypes or provides help or advice when creating prototypes. The team also take care of the proper operation of the equipment and the maintenance and extension of the facilities and related support.


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