Bio Lab

Facility/equipment: Facility



    The Bio Lab (ML-I), a part of the Material Aesthetics Lab, is a dynamic environment designed for interdisciplinary biomaterial explorations. It specializes in aseptic conditions for preparing, growing, and post-processing material samples. The lab advances possibilities of additive manufacturing through two multifunctional and hackable bio printers.

    BioAir AURA Mini Vertical laminar flow cabinet
    Heratherm IGS180 Incubator
    Labconco FreeZone 2.5 Liter Freeze Dryer
    VWR DRY-Line Drying Oven
    VWR Vapour Line Lite Autoclave
    Bio printers for experimenting: FELIX BIOprinter, and Zmorph Fab multitool 3D printer


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