Decisions under risk & uncertainty



Many complex issues in engineering involve decision making under risk and uncertainty, whether by managers, technology users, or engineers themselves. In this challenge-based learning course, students specify a problem involving decisions under risk and uncertainty, originating from real-life stakeholders. Examples include resolving managers’ questions about the safety of an innovative process chemical installation, designing a contact-tracing software application that is compatible with privacy, and choosing a strategy for designing automobile traffic flows in the Eindhoven region. Students are presented with a problem at the beginning of the course, and work in teams to specify the problem further and communicate it to the stakeholder in a presentation at the end of the course. Students will continue to work on this problem throughout the course sequence. The emphasis is on developing scientifically well-grounded arguments and exploring different perspectives on the topic.
Course period1/09/13 → …
Course levelIntroductory
Course formatCourse