DBL HTI + Webtech



The goal of this design-based learning (DBL) course is to collaboratively solve a programming visualization problem by developing an educational web-based environment. The programming visualization problem is: how to design a block-based programming environment, which is accessible for children (K-12 students) with disabilities. These disabilities can be categorized into different categories, such as deafness, low vision, Cerebral Palsy, Asperger’s Syndrome, and other autism spectrum disorders or learning disabilities. For example, a block-based programming environment that is designed for low vision children should have a clear voice over narration to describe blocks and/or use different audio cues in order to reinforce the level of nesting. In this project, you should experiment with Google Blockly Library. Moreover, you should build an interactive environment, providing an interface that is helpful for a particular group of disabled students to learn programming and author programs in a specific domain: simple designed microcontrollers, such as Arduino and micro:bit. This environment provides at least two different functionalities of the microcontroller, and should be accessible online through a web interface. Programming teachers and educators from all over the world should be able to access this interactive web-based programming environment with the goal to help their disabled students to learn programming and to author programs. You should illustrate the usefulness of your work by demonstrating how the block-based environment has been designed and developed to help a group of disabled students. The final outcome should be presented in a written report and a video presentation.
Course period1/09/1731/08/24
Course levelIntroductory
Course formatCourse