Newspaper contribution (expert panel and interview)

  • Katleen Gabriels

Press/Media: Public Engagement Activities


Interviewed by De Morgen (Zeno, pp. 16-22), ‘De Nieuwe Mens’ (‘The New Human’), on the relation between humans and present-day technologies. The series appeared during five subsequent days in the Flemish daily newspaper De Morgen; I was part of the expert panel. The other experts were Mark Coeckelbergh, Francis Heylighen, Peter Hinssen, Wouter Noort, and Rogier De Lange.

Title of the article: “Zondagochtend pistolets, en dan aan de slag met de seksrobot”

Period27 Jan 2018

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleNewspaper contribution (expert panel and interview)
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletDe Morgen
    Media typePrint
    DescriptionInterviewed by De Morgen (Zeno, pp. 16-22), ‘De Nieuwe Mens’ (‘The New Human’), on the relation between humans and present-day technologies. The series appeared during five subsequent days in the Flemish daily newspaper De Morgen; I was part of the expert panel. The other experts were Mark Coeckelbergh, Francis Heylighen, Peter Hinssen, Wouter Noort, and Rogier De Lange.
    Title of the article: “Zondagochtend pistolets, en dan aan de slag met de seksrobot”
    PersonsKatleen Gabriels